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    White Supremacy And White Privilege examples Essay

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    White supremacy and white privilege have existed for decades, because people have a mindset that one race is better than another. Both are associated with Whites, because years ago and today they are still seen as the dominant group in society, so they often have privileges that are based off the color of their skin. For instance, better career opportunities, better homes, more education opportunities, and more resourcs. In other words, Whites have more benefits, because of their race. Therefore, white privilege and white supremacy are similar, because they both allow races to believe they are superior to others based on their power, resources, and opportunities they can access based on their skin color.

    White supremacist consist of people who have more power, so they believe they are superior to other race. White supremacy is a belief that people who are white are better than other races. White supremacy consist of people who believe they are better than others, because they are a particular race. For instance, wealthy Whites believe they are superior to poor Whites and minorities. Whites who are in powerful positions, have more resources, connections, and they have access to power, so they believe they are better than others who do not have the same opportunities and privileges. In addition, white supremacist believe they keep structural functionalism going.

    White supremacist believe without them society would not function properly, because they have all the resources and power. In other words, white supremacist believe minorities and other race groups do not have access to power, so they are not seen as people who contribute to dysfunction, so they need whites to come with their resources to keep society functioning properly. T. .ge and white supremacy allows Whites to believe they are superior to other races, so they are similar.White privilege and white supremacy has allowed people to think their race is better or superior to others.

    White privilege has made Whites believe they have more benefits because of their skin color. In addition, white supremacy has allowed White to believe they are better than others, because they have more resources and better opportunities than minorities. Furthermore, white supremacy is a mindset that minorities have adapted, so they believe they are superior to immigrants. More simply, white supremacy has made people, believe they are better than others. Therefore, white supremacy and white privilege has made people believe they are better than others, because they have more opportunities power, opportunities, and resources they can access based on their race.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    White Supremacy And White Privilege examples Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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