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    When u have got a friend, it means you have always Essay

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    got somebody on yoursideFriendship is something very special, something essential for your innerpeace, for your self-confidence and for the comfort of your soul wheneverything goes wrong. When you have got a real friend, normally this is a person who shares youropinions and interests, who is there to enrich your joy and reduce theweight of your sorrow. A real, trustworthy fiend is somebody who is alwayson your side, who protects you even when he knows you are not right. Afriend must be there to prevent you from mistakes when you are blinded andbound to make some, he should show you the way when you seem to have lostit. In your eyes this might look as a betrayal, but if he is honest andsincere, then your friendship is for real.

    Nowadays true friends are so difficult to find. Egoism and meanness arespread everywhere and kill people’s souls. If today you can say for sure”Ihave at least one real friend who would come to me at 3 a. m.

    after mycalling that I have committed a murder”, then you are a lucky one. Becausefriendship is all about sharing. It is like a flower that grows deep inyour heart and fills it up with aroma. It is not important how much timeyou spend together, it is not even important what you do and if you keepalways in touch.

    It is enough when you meet them again to get theimpression that it was just yesterday when you last met. This is what Icall alliance of characters- everyday life disappears and what is left ispure friendship- strong and unique, that connects your two souls and makesyou both feel that no matter what you will always have someone to rely on,someone who might not always be by your side but who will always be on yourside.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    When u have got a friend, it means you have always Essay. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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