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    What is An Organizational Culture

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    Organizational culture is the morals and the principals that an organization represents. It is extremely hard to change so it is crucial to build the culture in the early stages of the business so that it can grow and expand while the company grows with i.e. A culture of an organization is also supposed to include a company’s vision, its norms, its beliefs and values. For a lay man it’s just the way how things get done around in an office.

    The challenges faced by the firm externally and internally help to form the culture of the firm. The hardships faced by a company throughout its infant years act as good examples when a set of rules are being formed with the culture. The ways how the business and its management tackles its problems to ensure success after every hurdle end up retaining to be the core principles of the culture. For example when Steve jobs started apple he struggled allot through his initial years and all the ways that he handled the rising problems were the ones he passed on to his employees and that’s how the culture of Apple Inc. was formed and till today after his death it still stands strong. Old experienced people teach new people how to deal with the problems or conflicts the way they used to handle them and that’s how the whole culture starts developing, it a tad bit slow but a cynical process. There can be two approaches to create a culture either powerful authorities force it upon workers or it gets developed through experience from old officials.

    An organization’s culture is made up of its core values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that the employees carry out on day to day business. The culture and its effectiveness is the key to make sure if the employees are satisfied with their jobs and how they see themselves as a part of something bigger than their individual selves a part of the company as a whole. Most importantly culture can be considered as a main driving force for decisions being made for example like what kind of business is done and how is it carried out. It also determines the overall performance and position of the company in its targeted market.

    A good effective culture has many attributes some of them can be considered the core foundations of the day to day business lifestyle. To main peace within an office one most important thing is that there should be complete clarity and respect within the workforce for each other, all the employees should be given a fair chance, equal opportunities to succeed. It is very important for the employer to trust his employee’s advice versa. Change is inevitable and it should be encouraged and motivation should be kept rolling within the workers so that they can bring their best abilities to the table. Teamwork should be appreciated as employee engagement not only gives them confidence to work hard and feel appreciated but also can do wonders for the business when all the brains work together toward a common issue. As Maslow’s hierarchy theory states that there are several factors that can influence a person to work hard and do good in their field, a company’s culture and environment also have great effect on the outcome of their workers. They need to feel that they have some responsibility so that they can portray the best out of themselves. There has to be a fair amount of opportunities present for all the workers to feel that they all have the same opportunities to succeed there’s no weak or strong personality everyone is equal men or women, if you work hard enough you can achieve success.

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    What is An Organizational Culture. (2022, Jun 07). Retrieved from

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