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    We Should Never Give up on Our Hopes and Dreams Essay

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    Imagine a world where countless impossibles were achieved, a place where everyone did what they loved to do and excelled at what they did. The difference in systematic views in this alternate universe would be so diverse and yet it’s something we can’t seem to grasp. The way society has amputated so many of our imaginations has left all creative processes seen as a hopeless dream for a career and only the best of the best can make it. So who should be held responsible for the loss of these innovative minds? The answer is, society.

    From day one, society tells us, this is life and this is how it will always be. As we grow up, we learn what’s acceptable and what we can and can’t do. We turn into a consumer that depends on these materialistic items and rather than going from in to out we start to move out to in. That feeling of being a kid, constantly learning and seeing suddenly ends and you wonder when the imagination was tamed and started to conform to societies’ standards. The great joy of play – it is that for a time, we are utterly spontaneous in a state of pure being. No thought is unthinkable, no image is unimaginable and every good idea and all creative works are the offspring of imagination (Acolatse 31). Somewhere along the way we soon come to realize not everything we do is accepted and we are taught to think from point A to B, and that organic thinking is put away only to be used when asked. There are a small selection of us, more so the adolescents in our communities, that stand out more than adults when it comes down to creative thinking.

    These adolescents compared to adults can’t be that significant, from the age of 17 compared to 18, when you’re considered an adult, can’t be where we lose these creative thoughts. But neural studies from Stanford University show the biological differences. Brain conformity in adults shows consistent thinking and could be laid out like a map. The younger subjects, however, showed a scattered, more organic thinking pattern. These results prove that younger subjects are more creative and the adults mould to fixed mindsets created by society.

    Fixed mindsets are toxic for everyone around the world. The most successful people were those who managed to keep this organic way of thinking and went through life working to better themselves rather than fall into the trends of censorship and judgment. Minds like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and Messi all have very different lives, all different creative processes and today so many look up to these people and admire their creativity. Imagine a world where everyone did what they loved the way some of our biggest role models have demonstrated before us. These people believed that anything was possible and they were capable of achieving anything they put their minds to and they were successful. So why can’t we do the same? The most inspiring minds are those that think against the norm and put these ideas to the test on a daily basis the way we did when we were children.

    Imagine what it would be like looking through the lens of a child. The outrageously raw material for ideas, for growth and for complete self development would have the most brilliant minds at awe. The curiosity provokes thought which soon provokes ideas and soon becomes a plan and this domino effect takes place and that’s how we create. If we could harness this enthusiasm kids possess, the world would be a much more unique, accepting, and happy place. We would be enthralled to show our individuality and be more open to accepting others. We would inspire and be inspired, while doing what we love to do. Our mistakes are lessons and our success is cherished but society has made us fear our mistakes. We teach kids point A to B but if they stray from this and colour outside the lines, it’s considered a fail. Our marks don’t allow room for creativity and only reflect what we can regurgitate rather then the insight obtained. Instead we are expected to sing in perfect pitch to be considered good and we have to read music to play an instrument. These creative processes go beyond the arts: The way we play sports, the way we handle word problems, taking different political point of views and changing systematic faults. Some of us still don’t see the big picture.

    We have amputated the imagination and eliminated the big picture. We limited ourselves and set boundaries for all things possible. But we never thought we’d fly until the Wright brothers. We’d never see motion pictures until Eadweard Muybridge. We can create a better tomorrow if we can let go of the idea that our mental capacities are limited and use the enthusiastic drive for creating we had when we were kids. Imagination is a crucial part of growth, so are we going to amputate it or innovate it?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    We Should Never Give up on Our Hopes and Dreams Essay. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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