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    We Americans Should Read Poetry Essay

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    Why many Americans should read poetry Americans should read poetry because it inspires, challenges, and tells stories of emotions that can help you find deep meaning inside yourself. Even though much of the famous poetry In the world came from Europe during the renaissance, students around the world study it. Yet in America we lack courses that effectively explain the meaning and importance of poetry. Poetry can change your life around because It makes you search your soul for answers that otherwise would remain covered by hatred, sorrow, sadness and jealousy.

    Many of our feelings hat we experience and don’t understand are put under the microscope of poetry and polished until the answer in forever ingrained In your heart. Poems can cure the depressed by making them search for meaning in their life. In my opinion poems about emotions are the most influential and palpable. Below is one of my favorite poems of all time. I Like this poem because I still can’t figure out Its true meanly. The first true sign of love is anger: What we need, we’re likely to resent. Each needing, needed, leaned on, leaning, No longer free standing stone and white.

    The wistful, tender fear of finite Yields a darker shimmer of sublimity. Now indeed some sunny, delicate blight inaugurates a subterranean keening. None can turn away and not be bent. Each in each part self, part untouched stranger. Poetry challenges our brain to think outside its comfort zone. Our brains like to stitch Information together In a rational form. Poetry clashes head on with your brain and forces it to look at emotions not as an abstract feeling but as a tangible object that we can relate to. Poetry is like a cavern, if you have a flashlight you still wont be blew to fully study Its meaning for existence.

    You need something more. Something brighter like your brain. Your brain will take bits of information and weave it together like a puzzle until something rational is both reasonable and likely. Poetry is like a flood. There are no boundaries. It is not withheld in the confines of walls No, poetry Is quite the opposite; poetry is free flowing like wind and water. Poetry has layers that furthermore perplex your brain and force it to look at things in a dimensional view. Poetry has a healing feeling to It, a feeling that can’t be explained.

    It’s almost Like your brain has been temporarily showed answers that were before unseen. Much of poetry is talking in circles and most of it can be confusing. Poetry is the ultimate in opening up to another person because whatever you write down must be coming from deep inside a placed note before explored by emotions or knowledge. This place is pure and true. When you write what you feel down you look at It with pride because It Is something that fully explains you. Americans should read and write more poetry because in today’s economy our people need as many answers and as such love and support as possible.

    Times are tough and many people turn to drugs things that aren’t pure, I believe that poetry can help correct this problem. By reading poetry and even righting it you can search deeply into your soul and find things that have been troubling you emotionally and physically. Poetry can help strengthen you emotionally and spiritually. I think that not Just Americans but everyone around the world should study at least a little poetry in their life time. They would be surprised at how much it can help you find light in a dark place.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    We Americans Should Read Poetry Essay. (2018, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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