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    War Poetry Essay Paper (481 words)

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    The use of metaphors in D. E. D was used to relate to the reader and manipulate their feeling and thoughts on what the war must have been like. ‘Drunk with fatigue’, drunk a word meaning intoxicated and slow really relates to the reader as it is not alcohol they are drunk because of, but it is because of the lack of sleep, the constant pace and rapidity of the war which is proving all to much to bare on the soldiers. It also shows they are lacking them certain capabilities of vigorous men called to war.

    The paragraphs in D. E.D provide a good structure to the poem, but also the different perspectives the paragraphs are written from provides good dramatic effect. The first stanza is written in second person, and it is used to set the scene of the poem. The second stanza is written for a first person point of view, and is used because Owen in this stanza is describing what is happening to another soldier and is putting across a very personal account of what he saw and heard. Stanza 3 is also written in first person, and in this stanza Owen talks of a soldiers struggle.

    This stanza was written in this form because Owen is talking in this stanza about a soldier and in this very shirt stanza I think he really gets his point across about how terrible the war was. Stanza four is written in second person and from this stanza we gather, that the idea of war is not a good thing and in this stanza Owen talks to his audience and manipulates their feeling by almost making them feel lucky and grateful that they are reading the poem and not writing it.

    The sentence that gives u this impression is ‘if you could hear’. In Henry v speech Shakespeare uses a lot of imperatives in the kings’ speech to show his superiority and emphasise how he is top of the hierarchy. Shakespeare also uses rhetorical devices in the kings’ speech, he does this because the king is trying to get the men ready and fearless of war, and by using rhetorical questions he almost makes them feel as if war is a good thing. Shakespeare uses a variety of phrases and words throughout the poem to help engage the audience.

    One of which is the repetition of honour which is used to emphasise the honour which would be bestowed upon them. It is also used to show encouragement to the soldiers, because the soldiers are worried about fewer numbers and Henry v uses this to show the soldiers that the fewer numbers they fight in if they was to win war the greater the honour that would be shared amongst them. Also by invoking God’s name it creates a powerful and emotional effect in which he uses to his advantage.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    War Poetry Essay Paper (481 words). (2017, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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