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    Volleyball Essay

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    The sport of volleyball was created by a man named William G. Morgan of Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. Morgan was a physical education teacher at the YMCA and called it “mintonette”. It was an indoor or outdoor pastime that had characteristics of both handball and tennis.

    The first rules were written down by Morgan himself. He wrote that the game called for a 6 foot 6 inch net and a court of 25×50 feet. A match composed of 9 innings and 3 serves for each team in each inning. In case of a serving error they got a second chance just like in tennis. If the ball it the net on a serve it was considered a foul and it caused a side out or a point was taken away. In 1896 after a demonstration at the YMCA in Springfield and the name “Mintonette” was replaced with the name “Volleyball”.

    In 1900 the rules were modified and the height of the net went up to 7 feet 6 inches. Also a match length was set at 21 points. Also in 1900 Canada was the first foreign country to adopt the game of Volleyball. In 1906 the country of Cuba discovered volleyball thanks to Thanks to a North American army officer named Agusto York who took part in the second military intervention.

    In 1908 volleyball reached Japan. Hyozo Omori a graduate at Springfield college in the United States who was the first to demonstrate the rules of the game at the YMCA in Tokyo. In 1910 volleyball officially landed in China. Between 1912 and now many of the rules changed and changed again. In 1924 it was demonstrated at the Olympics in Paris under the show of American sports. In 1938 the Chzechs perfected blocking and was officially introduced to the rules.

    In 1942 William G. Morgan the creator of volleyball died at the age of 68. He felt no jealousy when the sport he created grew and developed. In 1945 the first volleyball postage stamp was released in Romania.

    In 1947 Egypt was the first Arab and African country to organize a national federation. In 1952 the first women’s world championship was held in Moscow and won by the USSR. In 1960 the first World Championship for men was held outside of Europe in Brazil. In 1965 the first world cup was held in Poland and was won by the USSR. In 1973 the first women’s world cup was played in Uruguay and was won by the USSR.

    In 1976 at the Olympics in Montreal Poland won the Men’s division and Japan the women’s. In 1986 USA won the first men’s World Championships. China took the women’s Gold. Beach Volleyball was also first recognized. In 1987 the first Beach volleyball world championship was played in Ipanema, Brazil. Ever since a lot of these events volleyball has grown in popularity and is now played world wide and both men’s and women’s clubs and organizations play at national and international tournaments.

    At this time in Southern California volleyball is as serious as the winter games in Finland. Both boys and girls compete year-round and the competition is fierce. Not to far behind is the Northern California Volleyball association. The NCVA has put out many of the nations greatest.

    Many injuries that occur with volleyball run from Bruises to breaks. The most common are ankle or knee injuries since a lot of stop and go and jumping. Often muscles are pulled in the shoulders and back. In volleyball injuries are all too common. Whether its landing wrong or player collision injuries and volleyball players go together like rain and water.

    Often you may see a girl with bruises all over her knees and elbows but its just from the game or practice she recently had. Volleyball may seem like a less exsausting sport compared to basketball but in Volleyball muscles are constantly stopping and going and movements are very prisice and sharp. A player has to be almost lightning-fast and and in deep concentration. Focus and playing smart are the keys to being a successful Volleyball player.

    Many of the most competitive players work out every day of the week to increase .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Volleyball Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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