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    Visit to Muktijuddha Jadughar Essay

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    Visit To Muktijuddha Jadughar Brief essay on liberation War of Bangladesh: In August 1947, the Partition of British India gave birth to two new states; a secular state named India and an Islamic state named Pakistan. But Pakistan comprised two geographically and culturally separate areas to the east and the west of India. The western zone was popularly termed West Pakistan and the eastern zone was initially termed East Bengal and later, East Pakistan.

    Although the population of the two zones was close to equal, political power was concentrated in West Pakistan and it was widely perceived that East Pakistan was being exploited economically, leading to many grievances. On 25 March 1971, rising political discontent and cultural nationalism in East Pakistan was met by brutal suppressive force from the ruling elite of the West Pakistan establishment in what came to be termed Operation Searchlight. The violent crackdown by West Pakistan forces led to East Pakistan declaring its independence as the state of Bangladesh and to the start of civil war.

    The war led to a sea of refugees flooding into the eastern provinces of India. Facing a mounting humanitarian and economic crisis, India started actively aiding and organizing the Bangladeshi resistance army known as the Mukti Bahini. Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country Language, politically and received more money from the common budget. In 1948, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan’s first Governor-General, declared in Dhaka (then usually spelled Dacca in English) that “Urdu, and only Urdu” would be the sole official language for all of Pakistan.

    This proved highly controversial, since Urdu was a language that was only spoken in the West by Muhajirs and in the East by Biharis. The majority groups in West Pakistan spoke Punjabi, while the Bengali language was spoken by the vast majority of East Pakistanis. The language controversy eventually reached a point where East Pakistan revolted. Several students and civilians lost their lives in a police crackdown on 21 February 1952. The day is revered in Bangladesh and in West Bengal as the Language Martyrs’ Day.

    The military dictatorships of Ayub Khan (27 October 1958 – 25 March 1969) and Yahya Khan (25 March 1969 – 20 December 1971), both West Pakistanis, only heightened to dominate East Pakistan both in culturally and economically. The situation reached a climax when in 1970 the Awami League, the largest East Pakistani political party, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, won a landslide victory in the national elections. The party won 167 of the 169 seats allotted to East Pakistan, and thus a majority of the 313 seats in the National Assembly. This gave the Awami League the constitutional right to form a government.

    However, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto the leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party, refused to allow Rahman to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Instead, he proposed the idea of having two Prime Ministers, one for each wing. The proposal elicited outrage in the east wing, already chafing under the other constitutional innovation, the “one unit scheme”. Bhutto also refused to accept Rahman’s Six Points. On 3 March 1971, the two leaders of the two wings along with the President General Yahya Khan met in Dhaka to decide the fate of the country.

    Talks failed. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for a nation-wide strike. On 7 March 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a speech at the Racecourse Ground (now called the Suhrawardy Udyan). In this speech finally, Bangabandhu asked his people to raise arms against the Pakistani military who killed hundreds of people during the peaceful protests of the 1971. In this war, we should mention the bravery and far-sightedness of Tajuddin Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, Captain Monsoor Ali, Kamrujjamn, General Ataul Gani Osmani, and many others.

    Three million people were massacred by the Pakistani military and local collaborators. Hundreds of thousands of women were raped. Village after village, town after town, were burned to the ground. There were deadbodys lying in every plain, and floating in every river. There was hardly any family who did not lose something in this war. At the very end, facing an imminent defeat, the coward Pakistani military and the local collaborators systematically killed many of the leading intellectuals of the country. On 16 December 1971, Lt.

    Gen A. A. K. Niazi, Chief of Pakistan Army forces located in East Pakistan signed the instrument of surrender. At the time of surrender only a few countries had provided diplomatic recognition to the new nation. ? The objects of The Museum: The Muktijuddha Museum is situated in the Shegunbagicha area of the Dhaka city opposite site of the Bangladesh Press Club. The Museum is well decorated and the objects are nicely observed by the visitors. There are some objects in The Museum. In below enlisted some objects of The Museum: 1.

    The Muktijuddha Jadughar is located in a relatively small place. 2. The whole place is divided into two parts: The main building and the separated Hall room. 3. A medium Type of Hall room. 4. Three stored Building. 5. A small garden in front of the Museum. 6. In the Hall room, a Projector is cited for the visitor to see the documentary film. 7. Most parts of The Museum are decorated by historical pictures of British period and The Bangladesh Liberation War. 8. In The Museum, we found some Map decorated by Glass. ? The object I like most:

    I like the Hall room of the Museum. The Hall room of The Museum is decorated nicely and the place is full Air conditioned. The view of the Hall room is also good and projector is also situated in the perfect place. So the over wall view of The Hall room is pleasant. ? The part of the Museum touched most of my heart: The pictures of the liberation war of Bangladesh touched my heart. In the Liberation War of Bangladesh we lost so many peoples and the way they killed by the brutal Pakistani armed force are viewed perfectly in The Museum.

    For that reason I felt touched by the Museum. ? The lesson I have got from the visit: I had learned a lot from the visit of the national Muktizuddha Jadugar. Eventhough I had known most of the part of the documentary but I have never seen anything so accomplish documentary based on the Liberation War of Bangladesh. Also the pictures of the Museum helped me to gain proper knowledge about the Liberation War of our Country. Overall I am very pleased to visit the Muktizuddha Jadughar and expect to visit the place further in someday.

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    Visit to Muktijuddha Jadughar Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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