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    Video Game Violence Argument Paper

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    As technology becomes more and more a part of every young kids daily routine, we start to face some issues. Children of ages 4-7 are already accustomed to using their parents phone to play or stream their favorite videos, but how much of those things are being monitored by their parents? What if the games and videos they play promote violence that is affecting the aggression and back talk in your child’s behavior? How much of media violence is affecting kids attitudes, and is it the parents fault or the governments for not regulating how much violence is shown on tv?

    So what is Media Violence? Media violence can be interpreted in many different ways. Media violence is visual portrayals of acts of physical aggression by one human or human-like character against another (Health). It is extremely present in teens and younger children today. Children become more and more reluctant towards their parents, while teens start to act differently towards their peers. Media violence can happen on social media with bullying, or just when you’re sitting at home watching tv.

    Media Violence whether it be in video games or on a TV show we watch it can have an affect on our actions. Children who are young

    Children take after the people who are around them. They look up to older people. When a child starts to hang around people who aren’t a good influence on them, they start to act like them. Children who spend multiple hours a day playing violent video games can most definitely pick up on some of those aggressive behaviors.

    Does the government need to have stronger regulations on how much violence is shown on tv?

    In today’s society violence in video games and movies are becoming more and more popular, but can we blame school shootings on this? If so, how are we going to help limit them? Many people believe that the government should make better gun laws, but I believe the parents can have an impact also. Stronger gun laws may lead to a strong retaliation between people saying that the government is violating the 2nd amendment that states that all people have a right to bear arms. Shouldn’t parents be involved in their child’s life? Lots of parents these days don’t see what their child does. If children are put under a set of rules and they haven’t been enforced before children are more likely to rebel.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Video Game Violence Argument Paper. (2022, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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