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    Van Gogh “Harvest at La Crab” | Expressive Paintings Essay

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    In his elite he produced 860 oil paintings. When Van Gogh a child he loved to draw and until the day he died, his love for art got stronger and stronger. Unfortunately he had a problem; he had depression because no one appreciated his work and he gave up his life and committed suicide in 1890. “Harvest at La Crab” was painted in 1888 and the size is 72 x 92 CM. The painting shows a farm life in the V-ranch countryside during the harvest season. The painting is divided into three, the foreground, the fields and the workers in the middle ground and the mountains and skies in the background.

    The foreground shows a fence and the start of the wheat field. The pattern of the fence is effective because of the mixture of colors used. You can see hot reds against cold blues. A hint of vitae against browns with a line of black to make it more realistic. This part Of the painting is textured With thick paint showing the texture of the long dry grass and corn stubble. The middle part shows the rest Of the Wheat field and the workers. The Wheat fields filled Van Sago’s mind in the autumn, and reminded him about his spring visit to Sainted- Maries-De-la- Mere.

    Even though the workers were poor, they appear happy and also show what is appending in everyday life for the peasants, who are farming. To the left of the painting there is a large haystack, with ladders and a man working hard with a pitchfork. Van Gogh also uses a lot of black to outline the trees and the buildings which make them appear more ID. The fruit trees look healthy and good. There is a cart next to the haystack and you can see how Van Gogh thought of tone through this cart because you can see light reflecting off the wheel. A plough follows beside the cart.

    The hot red orange color contrasts well because it stands out tromp the background. These signing the stages to harvest. Van Gogh wows the meaning of farm work and the life of a peasant. The tones of yellow contrasts with the violet cold colors of the Alpines Mountains and the green, unusual sky think that this painting is quite impressionist in style. It captures the warm, end of summer light on the landscape and Van Gogh probably sat outside with his easel painting what he saw in front of him. The background is the sky and the mountains. I have noticed that the back ground is smoother than the rough brush strokes in the rest Of painting.

    The brushstrokes used for the background are small and I think this adds effect to the sky by making it more interesting, and it appears further away. Van Gogh highlighted the mountains with black lines, which is surprising because it makes the mountains look closer, and I would have expected him to make them look fainter as they are further away. Maybe he wanted to bring our attention to the mountains because he thought they were beautiful The next painting I am going to tell you about is aha Starry Night’ also by the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.

    Math Starry Night’ is a passionate painting which was painted in 1889 in SST. Remy- De. Provence. The size is 73. CM x 92, LLC and like “Harvest at La Crab” he used oil on canvas o paint this work of art. It is one of his most well known pictures in modern culture. This painting shows a night sky filled with swirling clouds, stars blazing and a dazzling crescent moon. The features are embellished and make people feel comfortable. The sky is the main part of the painting and it keeps the viewers eyes moving, following the curves and the shapes of the stars.

    The enactment in the sky feels more like a warm summer night than a cold winter night and this is because of the mixture of warm and cold colors. The foreground is the landscape with all the hills on the horizon and down below the sky, a little town, In the painting there is a peaceful essence flowing through the town. The core of this little town is the tall steeple of the church The steeple creates a sense of steadiness and size onto the town. Van Gogh has used the visual element, Line, because he uses 3 lot of black to outline the background to make it stand out, but not as much as the sky because the sky is the main part of the painting. Hint the dark cold colors and the flaming Windows remind me Of memories Of my childhood years, overflowing with imagination of what exists in the night and dark sparkly stars. At the left Of the painting there is a massive dark tree Which wows that Van Gogh was very wise with the shapes of the tree, the little town and the sky. The composition of the tree is outstanding because it shows a ID effect and that there is a little town behind The curvy lines of the tree remind you of the sky and produce that feeling of power in the painting.

    Most of Van Sago’s paintings are rough like “The Starry Night” but this is good because it adds more movement and effect. For the majority of this painting, Van Gogh has used large brush strokes for the sky which is great because it shows the mixture of colors used to get that strong and ‘Wind’ effect. He takes more time over the little town giving it more structure and detail and for the sky it looked more atmospheric. Although the painting is generally very dark with blues, blacks and purples, this makes the stars and lights from the houses even more dazzling making a quite a bright and lively scene. Landscape with Red Trees’ by Maurice Volcanic is the final painting am going to talk about. Maurice Volcanic is a French painter who was one of the creators of the style Fauvism. Fauvism is the style of less Fauves which is French for “the wild beasts” and it is a group of modern artists who use strong colors. He was Ron in 1875 and died in 1958. He was born in Paris to a family of musicians. After visiting a Van Gogh exhibition, he confirmed that he “loved Van Gogh that day more than his own father”. He was amazed at Van Sago’s powerful brushstroke and the use Of intense colors. Landscape With Red Trees” is a colorful painting by Maurice Volcanic. It was painted in 1906 – 1907. Like Van Gogh, he used Oil on canvas to paint this picture. This painting is quick and energetic using shape, color and line rather than tone and form. This painting looks modern because Of the bold colors used. It looks rushed because you can see bits Of he white canvas underneath and there is not much detail in this painting but think the painting looks more interesting because you can see the light and dark colors and this is typical of Fauvism.

    Like Van Gogh, Volcanic split this painting into three pieces. The foreground, the middle ground and the background – but they are in different places to Van Sago’s, Valiancy’s slanting foreground shows a reflection of the trees and I think the artist made this look like a river. He also uses black shadows in the foreground. He has signed his name in the bottom let corner. The trees are also part of the foreground from top to bottom. The diddle ground is concentrating on the green fields, The shape of the trees is very realistic because they are the right size – not too thin, not too thick.

    There is also no detail on the trees only the combination of colors. Dark blue is used for the dark tones of the trees. This is unusual because the cold blue color and the hot red color don’t mix in the painting and they don’t connect but it is quite effective for the top of the trees because it looks like shadows and intense light. Like Van Gogh, he uses bold black lines to outline the trees and make them stand out more. The textures on the trees are rough like the red bark. The background is the rest Of the painting i. E. The buildings and the hills.

    Volcanic uses blues and pinks for the colors of the hills. The buildings are plain because it shows the roof is red and the actual buildings, peach and yellow. The textures Of the buildings are smooth but the sky is rougher. Have observed that Volcanic doesn’t blend his colors and he puts the colors on top Of each Other. White is applied to the background to illustrate the sunlight which is shown between the trees. There is no pattern used in the background or in all the painting because this painting is all color and no detail.

    I think Volcanic is not bothered by the landscape or the hills. He is more attracted to the red trees. He was walking along in the countryside and he noticed these red trees shining out to him. He believed the trees were fascinating and he loved how the light tones hit off the red bark and he wanted to use bright, bold colors. The colors are also efficient because you can see the painting it you are standing on the other side to a room and it is definitely a painting that will catch your eye. You don’t know where to look in this painting because tooth wide range to colors used.

    This is very typical of he fauve style, In conclusion, my favorite painting of the three paintings is Van Sago’s The Starry Night’ because really like the swirling sky and the feeling of being outside at night underneath the stars, like “Harvest at La Craw’ because it is fully detailed and it is peaceful. In ‘Landscape with Red Trees” I like it how Volcanic concentrated on the red trees, but it is a far more reckless painting. Van Sago’s paintings tell more off story and are more detailed than Valiancy’s, although they both have strong use of colors and line, and this shows how Volcanic was influenced by Van Sago’s work.

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    Van Gogh “Harvest at La Crab” | Expressive Paintings Essay. (2018, Jun 15). Retrieved from

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