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    Value of Life Essay (838 words)

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    Life is one of the greatest blessings ever given to mankind, and there is no second opinion in this regard. What is the real value of life? Have we ever wondered that no prompt answer has ever been found for this question as everybody has their own perspectives’steve Jobs is well known for his revolutionary efforts in the world of technology. In his inaugural speech, he has defined the value of life as “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice”.

    This quote gives people an example to live their lives according to their own terms instead of following the footsteps of others. However, if you focus on the topic “Value of Life” in English, you can see that there are several complications and scenarios each of which having a unique perspective. People who value money and wealth more than relations are generally unable to spend a peaceful and smooth life.

    Determining the values

    We all understand the value of life as getting a proper education, having a job in a renowned company and become financially strong as soon as possible. In the whole of this effort, most of us never focus on the importance of life, relations and health concerns as we are struggling hard to achieve success each day. Generally, individuals think that life success is based on wealth for which they work for additional hours, but in most of the cases, they are unable to spend time with their friends, families and loved ones.

    To find out the best answer for the value of life, one must overview his or her complete past life, experiences and relationships. In this way, you can understand your behavior with people around you and how effectively you are spending your life. Actually, we only appreciate things after losing them, and this fact can never be denied.

    Importance of peace

    In the struggle to built a strong career, sufficient money and well-established lifestyle, most of the people do not give importance to peace and health. As they are two of the major aspects to keep your lifestyle happier, one should never underestimate the value of relations and peace. There are different aspects that need to be focused while you are at work, at home or hanging out with your friends such as regular communication, greetings or short meetups.

    Not only this act will allow you to maintain your relationships. Actually, you will start to feel better from the inside of your heart. Whenever an unexpected change happens in our lives, we tend to become panic, and that is the moment which will reflect the value of relationships. Although both of our society and individuals are now well developed and adapted, the value of human life still has the highest preference. No matter what things can you accomplish in your life, peace and relations are the essential aspects which can never be regretted.

    Life is precious and meaningful

    Based on your real-life experiences, you can judge and make decisions for different scenarios without any hassle. Life is a privilege that each human being is given, and we have to face the ups and downs to grow. If you see it in a positive way, believe, developing a colorful life is certainly not a problem. Moreover, the teachings we have got from our schools in English and career help us in working towards success and make our lives meaningful as well.

    Overcome the challenges

    Determination is the best answer to your everyday problems and issues. Although there are several other aspects of motivation and mindfulness, one can accomplish each task through strong self-confidence and esteem. Taking the example of Steve Jobs, his life and efforts teach us how to overcome challenges and deliver the best output in your work. Furthermore, individuals from different schools have excelled in every field are now giving tough competition at workplaces for which learning new skills and techniques is compulsory for everyone.

    Pain and struggle make us stronger

    Realizing the fragility of life can better help us in knowing its value. Most of the people believe that pain and struggle make them weaker from the inside, but that is certainly not the scenario. As taught in our schools, pain can dramatically change the way we are spending our lives, but in most of the aspects, it comes as a refinement of direction. In certain situations, we have to make prompt decisions which can transform our living standards completely.

    By studying various wisdom tips and success stories based on life, everyone can achieve what they have been dreaming for. All you have to do is to define outcomes and conclusion of each activity in your life in a positive believe.


    In short, life is a journey which can never be accomplished without relationships, success and failure as we all have to witness different turns in our lives. No matter how much money do you earn, understanding the value of life will certainly help you in achieving a happier and smooth lifestyle.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Value of Life Essay (838 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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