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    Unemployment levels Essay (624 words)

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    The first two questions I asked were who and what. Here are my findings. Robert, who preferably likes to get called Rob, He is in his 40 and married with a family. He loves his job and is very dedicated to it. He sympathises with both the victim and the offender, however in the case in “Car” I do believe he favours the offender and is very close to Nick. The reason I thought this is because he is the one he first told about the car theft he was involved in. He even offers Nick his office as a hang out. Rob doesn’t smoke and is very moral and encourages Nick to hand himself in. Rob also encourages Nick to build bridges with his parents, as he believes this would help him make the switch, so he genially cares for Nick’s well being.

    I think he dresses smart but causal, as this would reflect his attitude to work. I believe he is very calm and relaxed when dealing with the offender. Even though he is very sympathetic to the offender. He does understand Gary’s concerns and does all he can to make him feel better about the situation. At the meeting between Gary and Nick he doesn’t stop Gary telling Nick what he thinks however does realise there is limits to what Gary can say to Nick. He stays calm throughout the meeting even when things get heated between Nick and Gary when others may have buckled under the tense atmosphere and this helps him make the meeting a successful one.

    As his main line of work is with the youth. He is very much in touch with modern popular culture and very modern thinking and this can be reflected in his appearance. HE LOVES HIS JOB. Rob can adapt to situations well. He knows how to talk in to different people in different situations. This can be shown when he is in Gary’s house compared to how he talks to Nick in his office. He also knows how to get the best out of them and this is shown on how he encourages Nick and Gary to the meeting. Talks to Gary professionally and Nick more friendly.

    The next two questions I will ask is where and when. Rob lives with his family in a middle-class area of suburb of Manchester. A town like Stockport or Sale. These area would reflect his laid back attitude to life i.e. drinking in bars along the canals in the summer or drives to the coast of the moors in his free time with his family. The time period is the 90’s, so the music revolution in Manchester is in full swing with the emergence of bands like Oasis, Blur, The Stone Rose.

    Should we do the play in performance conditions this would be the music featured. He works in a rough part of the inner city of Manchester somewhere like Eastlands where people live in derelict terrace houses which unemployment levels are high. I think he is well respected in the area he works and this is reflected in the fact Nicks turns to him before he turns to anyone else. I think in the street he lives he would also be well respected and would take part activities within the street.

    The next question is why. Now I have found that hard to answer. This is because I found I could only answer this question whilst rehearsing. Everything Rob did I would ask, Why is he doing that? Or if he said something I would ask, Why did he say it in a certain way? I have also did a brief report on a pervious case Rob may have worked on. Find that attached.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Unemployment levels Essay (624 words). (2017, Sep 26). Retrieved from

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