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    Types of Poems, Literature 110

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    Aerostic Poem
    spell a word with the first letter of each line of the poem. The length of the line can vary.
    “Dance songs” that usually tell a story, using quatrian Line train stanza within abcb rhyme scheme where lines 2 and 4 rhyme. Some ballads have more than one quatrain.
    Bio poem
    poem that focuses on a person or character from a story. It can focus on personality traits, physical descriptions, Family Ties, Hobbies, family relations, etc.
    is a five-line poem. Line 1 has one word and is the title. Line 2 describes the title into words. Line 3 uses three words to express action. Line 4 uses four words to express a feeling. Line 5 uses one word that restates the title.
    Concrete poem
    A fun type of poetry to write is shape poetry. These types of poems take the shape of the topic of the poem. Poems can come in the shape of popsicles, umbrellas, baseball, light bulbs, etc
    is a sad, solemn poem written when someone dies, to Lament for the person who died. There are three basic parts: an expression of grief, praise for the recently deceased, and then comfort and support.
    Free verse poem
    means that it does not follow any rigid rules of rhyme, pattern or meter. However, a great free verse poem will have some type of Rhythm. It also uses poetic devices, such as metaphors, similes, personification, onomatopoeia etc.
    is a three-line poem that has 5 syllables in line one, seven syllables in line 2 and, three syllables in line 3. The lines do not rhyme. They mostly focuses on nature.
    is a five-line humorous poem that has a set number of syllables and a rhyme scheme. There are 10 syllables in line 1, 2 and 5. These three lines also rhyme and have the same rhythm. In lines 3 & 4, there are five to seven syllables that have the same Rhythm and rhyme. The rhyme pattern is aabba.
    Lyric poetry
    is a musical inverse and shows emotion. The modern ones are not usually song, but they do use alteration onomatopoeia, Rhythm, rhyme, just like modern lyrics.
    Narrative poems
    tell a story in stanzas not in paragraphs. In ancient times, stories were passed down the generations through this type of poetry or through oral tradition.

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    Types of Poems, Literature 110. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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