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    Haiku Poems about Flowers! Let us celebrate!

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    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry blossom sways
    With wind and rain the lord brings
    Then grows tall in spring

    by Jahmeelay

    Beautiful tulips
    In the rain they’re cute and sweet
    They shine bright with might.

    by Samarah

    Iris are lovely
    As they bloom, I bloom with joy
    They shine in the light.

    by Sandy

    Red Panda
    Red Panda
    Red Pandas are smart
    Peacefulness is my nature
    They are playful, too.

    by Ngoc

    Can be found in swamps
    But still beautiful and pink
    Lily lives in peace

    by Tu’

    Jesus is my love
    I will love him to the end
    Jesus is my light.

    by Diana

    They look tall and steep
    They follow me like a shadow
    so I’ll call the sheep

    by Kimani

    Pine cone
    Pine cone
    Pine cones are nature
    They are just spiky like me
    I am a pine cone.

    by Christian

    The Beautiful Rose
    The Beautiful Rose
    It shines bright at night
    The rose is so beautiful
    It will soon be grown.

    by Brenda

    Live Oak
    Live Oak
    The small live oak tree
    is tiny just like me grow
    oak tree grow like me.

    by Claudolph

    I chose the daylight
    because It gives me the strength
    to do anything.

    by Latanya

    The Sun
    The Sun
    My nature is sun
    Sun gets scared, goes behind clouds
    Then comes back brighter.

    by Laurie

    The Moon
    The Moon
    I am the good moon
    I may not spark like the sun
    But I have my part.

    by Gerytsa

    Lovely Leaves
    Lovely Leaves
    Leaves blow in the pond,
    Making small, abstract ripples,
    Spreading through my heart.

    by Lexine

    They sparkle and shine
    That’s me I’m on of a kind
    But I shine all times.

    by Jacquillena

    Will jump up and down
    around and in plains, bunny
    my littlest friend.

    by Juline

    Sunflowers are tall
    They are pretty and unique
    They are just like me.

    by Caroline

    I am a flower
    I grow strong, brave and happy
    I grow everyday.

    by Vanesha

    I chosen daisy
    Because my heart is filled with
    The shine of daisy’s

    by Murielle

    School is almost done
    Summer a time to have fun
    Can’t wait to have fun

    by Diana

    I am a panda
    And I am lovable
    And I’m so cute

    by Jasmine

    Flower Rainbow
    Flower Rainbow
    They are beautiful
    That is their definition
    It is just like me.

    by Marie

    Suns are beautiful
    The sun brightens my whole life
    Every single day.

    by Ann-Isabelle

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Haiku Poems about Flowers! Let us celebrate!. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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