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    Types of Plagiarism (873 words)

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    Plagiarism is something unacceptable and strictly punishable. Any student may face problems with plagiarism in a learning facility. You are definitely lucky if tutors forgive you for the first time, but some learners end up with dismissal. To avoid this disgraceful moment, you should know all about the issues with originality and be able to distinguish between various types of plagiarism.

    Complete Plagiarism

    This is the worst form of plagiarism involving deception and publishers’ copyright violation. It often occurs when a person takes a published work, a research work or an academic paper written by another author as his/her own not mentioning any source texts. This rarely happens in the academic settings since all academic works are controlled with the help of plagiarism checkers by the tutors. If a student is involved in such a form of plagiarism when one has used someone else’s work that was published before, most probably, this behaviour will be detected. Complete plagiarism can be a reason for initiating a court provision.

    Source-based Plagiarism

    It takes place when one falsifies or specifies incorrect source. For example, it may happen if you can’t find correct source and fabricate it by yourself to reach the required number of source texts. Another form of source-based plagiarism is when the writer of a research work cites a primary source instead of the required secondary one.

    Research data fabrication may lead to grave outcomes for those involved in it because it makes an impact on research results. In their turn, false results can lead to the unwanted consequences if the investigation is conducted in medicine or construction fields.

    Direct Plagiarism

    It’s easy to understand this type of plagiarism: direct copying and pasting the parts of texts from a source, while not citing source texts properly, it’s called direct plagiarism. It has nothing to do with paraphrasing. In other words, if one keeps wording and structure of the initial source the same, then direct plagiarism appears. Here, if a person even changed several words to prove your authorship, any plagiarism checker is to detect it, and your research paper can be easily indicated as 100% plagiarised by tutors. If one needs to cite something, he or she can simply apply quotation marks.

    Self or Auto Plagiarism

    Self plagiarism happens once a student cites himself/herself unintentionally by utilizing the same points he/she has used for other papers, which have been already submitted for grading. Another situation of self plagiarism appearance is using student’s own previous academic papers as source texts to submit for another class. This will not work since you’ve already used this write-up, and it’s in the base of all the papers ever submitted to any universities. Hence, using the same paper for the second time is considered to be self plagiarism even if you’re the author. However, if you cite your papers written in the past, this isn’t defined as unoriginal.

    Paraphrasing Plagiarism

    In essence, paraphrasing isn’t plagiarism and is the most common form of plagiarism. It becomes plag when one rephrases a source but doesn’t specify its origins. For example, if one reads a source, rewrites a text and then poses as his/her own ideas, which especially concerns translated texts. Thus, it’s essential to cite the source texts to get rid of plagiarism.

    Inaccurate Authorship

    This type is conceptually different from patchwork paraphrasing. It can take place if someone contributes to writing a published work having no credit for it. The same problem occurs if a learner gets credit for the work not contributing to its creation. This form of plagiarism might appear if someone makes substantial changes editing different texts. One way to avoid it is to list contributors in a publication.

    Mosaic Plagiarism

    Mosaic is also referred to as a patchwork paraphrasing or plagiarism. It’s sometimes called incremental plagiarism. These three types are actually the same. Mosaic plagiarism is when a person places the parts of different texts to compose a new one. New texts structures remain the same as in the original texts, but the former involves a slight amount of rewording. In a word, mosaic plagiarism relates to incorrect paraphrasing rather than a failure to cite a source correctly. Patchwork paraphrasing is a bad choice to shorten the time for academic paper writing as online plagiarism checkers can easily detect it. If detected, tutors may subtract points or even make everything to dismiss you from college.

    Accidental Plagiarism

    It occurs if an author of the work plagiarises unintentionally. Tutors should consult students regarding it because it may result from neglecting the requirements or by mistake. Amongst the abovementioned forms of plagiarism, this one is the least severe.

    Plagiarism is a grave mistake to be hardly corrected. Its different forms may be used either intentionally or unintentionally. However, this doesn’t reduce your responsibility. Colleges and universities apply severe punishments to those learners who use this approach in academic writing. Here we listed all the types of plagiarism to take place both in academic, press and fiction literature. Tutors can detect plagiarism by running texts through special online programs. Therefore, learners are strongly recommended to get rid of plagiarism in any form.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Types of Plagiarism (873 words). (2019, May 02). Retrieved from

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