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    Travelling Essay

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    The role of travelling

    Travelling is an activity that allows people to see a lot of new places, make new friends, and experience the world in general. In addition, it allows to find a favourite place on the planet and return to it over and over again, obtaining motivation, experience, desire to move on, and having a rest at the same time. Every day, people from all around the globe make their decision to travel and visit foreign countries due to many various reasons, would it be a leisure time, a family rest, or a business trip. Depending on the distance, they travel by car, by train, by plane or by ship, in this way, obtaining a considerable pleasure from different ways of travel. For sure, fast and comfortable ways that include tickets on the plane on the ship are more expensive in comparison to cheaper ways like tickets on the train or the bus; nonetheless, each of these travel methods brings priceless experience and allows to feel unforgettable pleasant moments.

    What is the benefits of travelling

    It is important to mention that except experience, travelling provides a lot of significant benefits. The first of them is to develop and keep humility. Modern people usually feel stuck in the everyday routine. They work or study, sleep, eat, and communicate with each other, paying too much attention to unnecessary or insufficient things and leaving behind happiness, self- analysis, and harmony with the natural environment. Thus, travelling helps to distinguish the most important things in a life of every person, think over his or her plans and perspectives, and achieve happiness through communication with different people and visiting new places. As a result, people obtain the advantage from travelling the world in observing different lifestyles and understanding cultural and social settings of every particular community.

    The second benefit from travelling is the opportunity to look at the native country of a traveller from a completely different point of view. Thus, a person can make a thorough comparison of a home country, its infrastructure and social, political, and environmental conditions to those provided in the foreign location. This approach allows a person to see the advantages and disadvantages of the native location and form a new perspective on the nearest future. It usually appears that the government of the native country provides different freedom of speech, education, and social support. For example, students, who traditionally use cheap travel services, may discover that in the other country, they would experience a lot of difficulties connected with a lack of money, cheap accommodations, opportunity to combine studying and work together or take part in various student programs for free. On the contrary, they may distinguish numerous advantages of studying in their native country and appreciate them more.

    The third benefit is a great life experience provided by travelling. During trips, people tend to follow defined social norms, different laws, and cultural peculiarities that are traditional to the foreign places. In this way, they are forced to evaluate the quality of life in a foreign country and favour or disapprove the foreign social order. As a matter of fact, the notions and characteristics that play a decisive role in this evaluation are human rights, traditional beliefs, corruption, bribery, and attitude toward women and children. Taking into account this factor, it is possible to say that travelling is advantageous for people who want to obtain an individual experience and discover their inner perception of the world.

    Is the travelling motivation?

    Thus, travelling makes people adventurous and force to use all the opportunities provided in their lives. What is more important, this activity allows them to understand the real value of every single day on this planet and appreciate it more. While travelling, the individuals start to understand that the money they struggle to earn has no significant value. On the contrary, it is priceless to discover new things, meet new people, and obtain a new experience. Therefore, travelling provides a positive experience for people of different age, financial opportunities, and moral principles. It helps them to understand better themselves and their close people, solve conflicts, and obtain new beliefs and aims. This activity may change a person completely and help him or her to discover a new perspective in life, understand the reason of the human existence, or examine new peculiarities of the natural and social environment. It happens that a foreign cultural environment reveals the truth about the social norms in the native country, in this way, changing the worldview of a person, his or her main principles, and preferences in life. That is why it is why people like to travel the world and discover the countries with different culture, diving into the different reality that exists in small foreign communities, beautiful nature, friendly people, and tasty national dishes. This is the way they obtain the desired freedom, spiritual power, and wisdom.

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    Travelling Essay. (2018, Oct 03). Retrieved from

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