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    Essay About Travelling

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    Before you leave your native country for the first time, you will never grasp the true purpose of traveling. Each country makes much more sense only when a person encounters it first-hand. Traveling is an infinite activity as the more person sees, the more he or she realizes there is to see in the world around. There are many benefits of traveling that will motivate you to start it in a near time.

    Investment in yourself

    Travel is, first of all, a kind of investment in yourself. Some people mistakenly think that traveling means to rest and do nothing. However, sometimes a week spent for traveling opens for people much more horizons than a year spent in their countries.  You can find a lot of new opportunities on the road, volunteering or joining local projects. You can meet new people that will become your life-lasting friends. After traveling to new places, you will feel like a “returning soldier” knowing that you have enough power to handle your life. You will undoubtedly learn something new about yourself, and this knowledge will motivate you to do great things in the future. In fact, most of the crucial decisions of successful people were made during traveling.

    A clear picture of the world around

    Those who have never experienced traveling to new countries have a vague idea of the rest of the world. For sure, some individuals may know a lot about geography, local architecture, food, and culture. However, it is not enough to read all the issues of National Geographic or watch all BBC programs. Just imagine how the things you have read about in magazines become real. How all your dreams become a reality. You can read a thousand articles about a particular country and have an intellectual concept of it. But when you smell the local streets and try the local cuisine – these memories are different, and they are unforgettable. Only when it is real for you in taste, sound, smell, sight, and feel, and, only after experiencing it, you will understand the value of traveling.

    New cultural experience

    You will have a chance to communicate with local people. Their lives may be totally different from yours. They may live much better than you, or they can live in very poor conditions. You should not be afraid to experience a communication failure while dealing with those people. You will realize that it is a very engaging activity to explore a new culture through face-to-face communication with local citizens. You may meet people who will leave beautiful traces in your life forever. Even though it is difficult to believe, some of those people may change your life drastically as well. The only one thing you should do is to embrace diversities. Ignore different skin color and cultural background and find an inner connection with people you will meet. Only in this way it becomes possible to share own cultural experience and understand the culture of other nationalities.

    Getting freedom

    Some people find it difficult to be prepared mentally and physically for unknown adventures. Some individuals have never left their native land, and they are afraid of doing it for the first time. The advice one should remember is to stop seeking for something fantastic and only enjoy one’s journey.  Start appreciating the richness life offers and enjoy the moment. The next challenge that also prevents people from traveling is external pressure put by society. Your family may tell you that you should concentrate on finishing your college, making a lot of money, or finding a prosperous job. However, it is boring to follow the rule. You should, first of all, listen to yourself and think what is the most important in your life. Never be afraid to step outside of the external pressure to live the life you want. The last excuse for why people do not travel is that traveling is the waste of money. However, with the help of the Internet, there are so many cheap and free offers for travelers that one does not need to spend a lot of money on it. The only things you will need are your smile, openness to new adventures, and a good fortune.


    Lastly, you should understand that the travel experience you will eventually get is priceless. There are so many places in the world to visit that there is no time to sit at home. Do not wait for a moment when you will finish your college, get a promotion, or make a lot of money. Never stop traveling, and you will create a life which serves your purposes. You will see that all your dreams will become a reality. All in all, there is no word to explain how vital traveling is in our life, or how it transforms our personalities and shapes our perspectives.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay About Travelling. (2018, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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