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    Turning Point in My Life (763 words)

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    Growing up in the most populous city in Haiti, I was the youngest and only daughter of three children in a single mother home. It is not that my dad was not part of my life, but he was married to someone else. Raising two boys and a girl was not easy for my mom, but she always made sure that her children had food on the table, clothes on their backs, a roof over their heads, and, most importantly, getting an education. Something my mom could not have because she was pregnant at an early age. So no wonder it was a shock when I found out I was pregnant at just nineteen years old while on my second year of college. The pressure to break the news of me being pregnant to my parents was like a burden. I was reluctant at first. I was so scared of my parent’s reaction that I waited until fifteen weeks on my pregnancy to tell them. They were angry, disappointed, and more concerned about family, friends, and neighbors’ reactions. It did not take long for the news to spread around. At first, my family and I thought about abortion. The following day my cousins, who were leaving with us at that time, accompanied me to see a gynecologist.

    However, I was too far on my pregnancy to have an abortion. The doctor stated that he did not do abortion past ten weeks and suggested that I should keep the baby, which I did. Armed with courage, I believed I was ready to face the challenges that came with being pregnant young and before marriage. As my belly started to show, I felt a sense of shame and guilt. I would only leave my house for a doctor’s appointment or school. Stressed and frustrated, I was unprepared about the rumors, the comments made about my ability to take care of a child. I know all actions have consequences, yet I did not expect that kind of treatment. I have concluded no matter what people may think about me; I will keep ongoing. I will assume my responsibility and face whatever comes at me with confidence. I went to all my doctor’s appointments and took all my vitamins to ensure the well being of my baby. I even stopped eating spicy foods for a while. I did not experience morning sickness throughout my pregnancy, but I often felt tired in my third semester. I worked very hard in school because I did not want to fail on top of all that was happening. I have learned to braid hair, do nails to earn some money.

    Despise all, I was grateful for my boyfriend now husband, who has been by my side throughout my pregnancy. He has been a police officer for years and very dependable soon to be a dad. Consequently, my boyfriend and I were stable financially. Mesidor1 We got married before the arrival of the. My husband’s commitment pushed me to continue my degree in accounting, and I was able to stay in college until I gave birth. On June 2000, I started having contractions, my fluid amniotic sac ruptured, and it caused my baby’s heart rate to drop. I was rushed immediately to the operating room for an emergency c-section. Contrarily to other girls who gave birth naturally, I was not very fortunate. An hour later, my baby boy was born. My baby weighed six pounds, four ounces, and measured twenty-two inches long. It was pure joy to meet him, see him and feel him finally. Besides, it took me a little time to recover, to be able to stand straight.

    I left the hospital in three days, therefore, all the glory to God. It was a relief to be finally home and be able to enjoy life with my baby. I had a lot of help from both sides of the family. I did not have to worry about feeding the baby, changing diapers, waking up at night when the baby is crying. I must say I was surprised by my parents, friends’ assistance. The road was bumpy, but it all worth it. Being pregnant at a young age changed the way I viewed life. My priorities also changed. I have become more patient, more confident. I am conscientious; literally every decision I make will involve my baby at one point. I appreciate my mom much more. I have learned to accept criticism. I am now a proud mom of an ambitious son who is in medical school.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Turning Point in My Life (763 words). (2021, Aug 20). Retrieved from

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