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    Traditional to Innovative: Millennials Rewrite Traditions

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    It’s the breaking of history; no more repeating stories this time. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, Digital Natives, Generation Me, Generation Rent and Echo Boomers, are those who were born on the years between 1980-2000. Although millennial traits differ by country, the upbringing has increased in political and economics, depending on the social and economic status. Generally, this generation’s approach to familiarize society is marked through the use of media and digital technologies.

    Truly, the 21st century trends continue countries to develop towards greater good. But even so, one major harm that this generation has caused is the increased levels of unemployment among young people leading to a possible damage on the social and economic status. Can we be part of the major solution to this concern? How would these Millennials divert the perception of society about them?

    This generation, who grew up with cellphone and personal computer, envisions themselves as more independent and perceives a different angle on norms such as religion and marriage than how the generation before us sees it. More importantly, we ask the question that bothers the generation who have come before us: How can millennials preserve traditions while giving justice to innovations?

    The change and progress in education has been evident. WMSU has adapted the curriculum K-12 which has been practiced by almost all countries in the world and based on the DepEd’s Learner Information System last June 17, the enrollees for Senior High School Students has reached a million.

    With an additional two years in high school and with more subjects to take up in class, the “potential” they have been fighting over college students’ may seem to be true, further proving themselves by joining different organizations in WMSU and other competitions. They manifest the traits of an exact millennial, growing under the political and social influence. It seems to challenge them to establish their own kind who can contribute and be part of everyday reality. Even so, SHS students don’t become someone in just a blink and to fully understand how growing up works, they still have a long way to go.

    On the other hand, one of the biggest challenges these days for college students is exploring the unpredictability of the millennial generation. Given the problem regarding the increase rate of unemployment, it is frightening for them to find themselves in the middle of rebranding and redefining everything.

    Although the development may have a profound impact on the new era, which is more focused on technologies, the future graduates might be less interested to engage in this line particularly those who are not obtaining for a degree in this field. Buying less means owning less; college students are also part of millennial generation, they can’t lose track to acceptance and credibility to stay relevant for the future generation.

    With the concern of Millennials being disconnected from traditional stands in contrast to the earlier generations. The world is fast changing and the ability to adapt to the change is significantly needed in order to survive. Millennials are creating their own network, but that doesn’t mean detaching from the norm.

    The difference between our generation and theirs is the video graphics, gaming-inspired interfaces and video diaries. The only thing that bridges the gap between generations is to seek out the common terms, connecting while making our lives easier; just putting the phone down.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Traditional to Innovative: Millennials Rewrite Traditions. (2023, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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