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    Top 10 Most Influential People from Chicago

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    Being an influential people you need to be a role model because a lot of people will look up into you. You need to have a lot of achievements in your career, life and sometimes you will not have your own privacy because you need to give an update to everyone on what are you currently doing.

    There a lot of people that can be influential. It can be an artist, politician or a business person. Actually anyone can be an influential person as long as you are inspiring people to do good in their life or chosen field.

    Let’s take a look of the Top 10 Most Influential People From Chicago.

    Barrack Obama

    Barack Hussein Obama arrived in Chicago as a community organizer in 1983.  He is also the former president of the United States of America. Under his administration he would put in place the Affordable Care Act; appeal to the Supreme Court to support same-sex marriage; immigration assistance for undocumented children through the DACA program; promote discussions on climate change; push legislation to allow students college loan debt relief, among a great deal of other accomplishments.

    Dororthy Tillman

    She is the number 1 black women in the Chicago Civil Rights movement. She also get a chance to work with Martin Luther King Jr. as a young activist. She is also known as a loud and booming voice of black people, most especially the poor black people. She helped black people to fight from socio-economics to the quality of the education that they must have.

    Tillman is also the person behind the 70/30 plan, which means that 70 percent of the business and jobs in the community should be given to the black people.

    Eugene Sawyer

    He is an African American mayor of Chicago. A long-time Chicago council member, Alderman Sawyer served the residents of the 6th Ward for 16 years. During Sawyer’s time as mayor, he would follow through on Washington’s mission to pass the Human Rights Ordinance to protect people from discrimination along with approving an ordinance to install lights at Wrigley Field for nighttime games. His support of the Clean Indoor Air Ordinance banned smoking indoors.

    Chief Judge Timothy Evans

    He is the first African American that became a Chief Judge of the Circuit Court. In 1991, his reign as 4th Ward Alderman ended when Toni Preckwinkle won that city council seat. Never one to back down, a year later, the John Marshall Law School graduate was sworn in as the first Black chief judicial officer in a court system that had been criticized with a long history of non-transparency before his takeover.

    Hillary Clinton

    is from Chicago and she is the formerly Secretary of State and also she is the first woman in the history of U.S. to become the presidential nominee for a major political party. Chicagoans considered that as one of their big accomplishments. Hillary Clinton is one of the strongest and brightest women in their generation and a lot of people in Chicago are very proud of her achievement because she gave pride to her fellow Chicagoans.

    Robin Williams

    He is a well-known actor and comedian but not everyone is aware that he is born and raised in Chicago. Williams was nominated four times for the Academy Awards, winning once for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as psychologist Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting. He also received two Primetime Emmy Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and four Grammy Awards.

    Kanye West

    Also known as Kanye Omari West, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer. He was born in Atlanta but raised in the South Side of Chicago. He is also a son of a English Professor in Chicago. Despite his success as a producer, West’s true aspiration was to be a rapper. Though he had developed his rapping long before he began producing, it was often a challenge for West to be accepted as a rapper, and he struggled to attain a record deal.

    Michelle Obama

    She is the fist lady of Barrack Obama. Michelle was born and raised in Chicago, where she became an a Civil Rights Lawyer and a community-outreach worker. She was also the first African-American that became a first lady. As First Lady, Obama served as a role model for women, and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity and healthy eating. She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon.

    Walt Disney

    Walter Elias ‘Walt’ Disney was born in 1901, in the Hermosa section of Chicago, Illinois. If it weren’t for this creative genius we never would’ve had our beloved Mickey Mouse. He took art classes and at the age of 18 he got his first job as a commercial illustrator. Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked.

    To replace Oswald, Disney and Iwerks developed Mickey Mouse, possibly inspired by a pet mouse that Disney had adopted while working in his Laugh-O-Gram studio, although the origins of the character are unclear Disney’s original choice of name was Mortimer Mouse, but Lillian thought it too pompous, and suggested Mickey instead. He is the man behind our obsession of Mickey Mouse or Walt Disney.

    Bill Murray

    This famous comedian was born in the North Side of Chicago and is one of the funniest people around. He gained exposure from Saturday Night Live and went on to star in films like Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and most recently Moonrise Kingdom. He is an avid golfer so be sure to keep your eyes open on the Chicago links.

    These are just some of the people that are very influential in their own very little way. Not all of us might be aware about the story of their success or how they influence other people. But believe that sharing their life story or success can already influence someone on what she or he want to be in life. They are just people who can inspired of influence us but we are still in charge in our own life.

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    Top 10 Most Influential People from Chicago. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from

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