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    Through the looking glass Essay

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    ‘ ‘You mean skin and bones,’ Sophie said. ” The main differences between the stories are that there is no theme in “Through The Looking Glass” where as in all the other stories there are. Another difference is in the language, Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear and Aesop use very correct spellings with no shortened words or use of slang, Victorian authors in general produced works that could be used as an example of how things should be written: with correct spellings, grammar and punctuation. Even Alice, a child, pronounces all her words correctly.

    “‘I didn’t know I was to have a party at all,’ said Alice: ‘But if there is to be one, I think I ought to invited the guests. ‘” In “The BFG” and “Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone” this is not always the case with things being written as a child would say it and using slang words that a child would use and which are now a part of everyday conversation. “‘Sent owls off ter all yer parents’ old school friends, askin’ fer photos.. knew yeh didn’ have any.. D’yeh like it? ‘” In “Through The Looking Glass” there are no references to anything that might not be quite polite.

    However, this is not so in the two more modern books. “‘That is often true,’ Sophie said. ‘But what’s wrong with a little burp now and again? It’s sort of fun. ‘” “‘You want to be careful with those,’ Ron warned Harry ‘George reckons he had a bogey-flavoured one once. ‘” Both “The BFG” and “Through The Looking Glass” are written in an amusing manner, which makes them appealing to young children. “Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh ‘my name means the shape I am-and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost.

    ‘” Things have changed since Alice’s day, in some ways for the better and in some for the worse. In Alice’s day children were not expected to have their own opinions or to disagree with their parents they were expected to be quiet and well behaved. This is not the way things are today. Parents are now more likely to listen to their children’s opinions and take their feelings into account. If a child does not want to do something a parent will now ask why and changes can be made or explanations offered as to why something must happen.

    In Victorian times children were expected to do as they were told and no discussion would happen. Adults are usually more sensible than children and there is generally a reason why a parent wants a child to do something. Children today are the same as children in the Victorian age, they are both building up their experiences and education for future life perhaps today more independently than many years ago. The world to any child at any time is full of things for them to discover and learn.

    I feel it is better for children today to be able to talk more freely to adults and to discuss how they are feeling about things, all children need to be independent and to be able to form their own opinions and not take on those of their parents. However, certain rules of behaviour must be followed so that we can all live and get along by respecting each other. I feel the similarities and differences between these books are a reflection on the change in the child/adult relationships from Victorian times to present day.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Through the looking glass Essay. (2018, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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