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    This paper or is about myself. What i would Essay

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    want people to know about me, Christopher. Well let me start off by saying that i’m a pretty nice fellow. Maybe not all the time but mostly. I have alot of friends, some i have’nttalked to in months.

    I’m like that sometimes though. That’s one thing i noticed about myself, that i get tired of people after a certain amount of time. I’m not really sure if that is because that particular person is just annoying or if i’m like my mother to a certain extent and just don’t like people. That can’t be it though.

    She’s a little to much like a Hermit. There’s days when i am a Social Butterfly. Talking to anybody and everybody. Even people i dislike on a regular basis.

    These are the days when i feel completely invincible. Like no one can withstand my sort of prowlness for a conversation. It’s like everyone i see, I see as a close friend or someone who needs someone to talk to. Everything seems funny, like in a comical sort of way.

    These are the really cool days. Then of coarse theres the other days. The days when everyone seems to be playing double-dutch with my last nerve. These are the days when the slightest imperfection can send me into a wrath that can make me new enemies.

    These are ythe days when i don’t want to do anything. I just want to be left alone. Don’t call me, write me or speak my name. That’s the way i feel. These days suck. Even when i try to cheer my self up, i seem to get more pissed off.

    This i know i get from my mother. All in all though i am a pretty cheerful guy. I enjoy life. I believe life is what you make it.

    All i try to do is make each day count as if it’s my last.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    This paper or is about myself. What i would Essay. (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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