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    This is a music review of Arjona’s song if the north Essay

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    In 1996, Argon wrote the song OSi el Norte Freer el Sure (If the North were the South), in which he expresses a subjective, yet truthful point of view of what the North American culture is; and how it could change if we exchange places with the South. In this song, Argon uses many illiterately techniques such as irony and analogies; Argon also adds a type of hardcore rock and an interesting use of the electric guitar. There are many literally elements that this song has, but the main element is the plot or theme of the song, which is pretty straight and to the point.

    OSi el Norte Freer el Sure (If the North were the South)as main plot is a story of how the North could experience all the social struggles that the South Americans countries have to deal with, if as the songs title suggest 0. OSI el Norte Freer el Sure (If the North were the South). The main plot is divided into three stages; the first stage is the introduction, in which Argon gives a subjective opinion of what the North really is all about.

    Then, he moves to the second stage or the body of the song; during this stage Argon mentions a series of well known North American personages and situations that help him establish his exchange of geography. Finally, the third stage or conclusion is when Argon really say what the bottom line of all this is; the fact that nothing will really change. Richard Argon is well known for the rich content of literally elements in his lyrics, specially for the touch of irony and analogies. Con 18 Ares UN onion Para UN trait en align bar, per way Ares dodo UN hombre pa’ la gouger y pa’ mater. (With 18, you are only a boy for a drink in some bar, but you are already a man to go to war and to kill), this is a perfect example of an irony of living in the United States, in which at the age of 18 you cannot legally drink, yet you are allow to receive combat training to kill someone. In the songs chorus, Argon says Deal dibble la Georgia SE Capron lass frontages (The hell with geography, there aren’t any borders left), the truth is that orders still exist, but he wasn’t talking about a literally border; Argon used this analogy to tell us that we are the same and that our geographic position doesn’t mean anything.

    Richard Argon with his unique style and use of musical instrument; he has put a type of hardcore rock rhythm, which is use to make an impression in his listener. In This is a music review of Arson’s song if the north were the south. By bathtub’s back. The rhythm started slow tempo, but strong as if he was upset with the ironies in the North. Then, the tempo began to run faster; the drums and the trumpet were rot of creating an atmosphere of excitement, it makes you feel as if you were a protestant of social inequalities.

    Finally, he concludes with a slow and heavy electric guitar melody, where he then stop for at least 3 seconds and concludes with the words OSi el Norte freer el Sure, series la miasma appropriate, you sanitaria UN rap y est. action no existing. O (If the North were the South, it would have been the same crap, I would be singing a rap and this song wouldn’t even exist). Refreshment://www. Staying. Com/may/carter-long. Attempts:// www. Answers. Com/topic/Richard-ar]non

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    This is a music review of Arjona’s song if the north Essay. (2017, Dec 03). Retrieved from

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