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    There are many aspects of the automotive industrie Essay

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    s that affect nature andthe world in general. One car company in particular holds great respectand admiration in both the eyes of other automotive professionals as wellas drivers of all classes. Ferrari was a dream developed in 1929 his goalwas to make the world best sports car. Through innovative design, flawlesscraftsmanship, and a true love for the game he succeeded in creating a carcompany that is today the most revered in all the world.

    Enzo Ferrari was born in 1898 in Modena, Italy. His father AlfredoFerrari operated a local metal fabricating company, and when Enzo and hisbrother Alfredo Jr. were old enough there father took them to there firstauto race in Bologna. That sparked his love for racing and cars. In 1919he given a job for a small car company in Italy called CMN.

    At thiscompany he made small leaps and bounds. He was a simple racer that hadextreme potential but the equipment was not as good and the chances of himmaking it far were very small. The next step in his journey he was givenan opportunity by his friend that worked for Alfa Romeo and he was given aposition as a racer. He was able to successfully make second place in theTarga Florio which is a prestigious race held in Italy and attendance is byinvitation only. After he had his fill with racing he became a member ofthe Alfa Romeo pit crew where he learned much more about cars and the artof their creation. This is where he began his stride into his own new firmwhich was so rightfully named Ferrari.

    Ferrari’s first innovation in the automotive industry came in itsdesign. Enzo teamed up with a long time friend Battista “Pinin” Farinathey came together and designed the first Ferrari P3 and as soon as it cameout it was a championship car. It was the Targa Florio and the Milli Miliain its first year of production. Ferrari’s main focus in his education wasin the field of Aerodynamics; with his ideas and Farina’s facilities theywere able to continue to make breakthroughs in design and technology thatwould continue to take the name Ferrari to the top. To this day PininFarina continues to create breakthrough designs for Ferrari.

    The aspect of design that makes Ferrari stand out as it does is itsbuilding techniques. All Ferraris are hand built and in that aspect theyare taken to a whole new standard. They are built piece by piece and thenslowly put together. Ferrari only puts together a certain amount of carsper year. Particular designs have to be built by order and others arebuilt by popularity.

    Because of the small numbers produced per year theyare considered far more valuable. The company strives to bring nothing butperfection to there customers and show them an experience brought forth bytradition every time they find themselves behind the wheel. The engine of the traditional Ferrari is also hand built and held tothe highest testing standard. They are made to reach high speeds and usingthe most advanced yet simple engineering techniques they make it allhappen.

    There are three basic types of engines that the company uses inits cars; six cylinders, eight cylinders, and twelve cylinders. Theseengine types are available to all car manufacturers but only Ferrari and afew other select automotive car companies have been able to push suchpower in there vehicles over the centuries of there existence. The onlyconsiderable set back that this car causes that would be consideredundesirable to some people would be one the car is extremely loud no onehas really taken the time to figure out exactly how loud the car can be butto the owners and people that appreciate the art that is Ferrari. Thesecond and slightly more consequential of the two is the amount of gas thecar consumes, it goes about twelve to thirteen miles to the gallon andconsidering it’s a small tank there are a lot of stops the owner must taketo keep the tank full and the car going. Ferrari is a car that has been built on perfection from the ground upand based highly on perfection and tradition.

    Everything about the carfrom the names to the exclusiveness of the cars is based on the longjourney that Enzo .

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    There are many aspects of the automotive industrie Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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