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    The young man trying to figure out the opposite se Essay

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    x in an incredibly hard task. Although as the years go by it becomes easier whith every relationship that goes by. Considering now I’m twenty and if I knew when I was sixteen what I know now, I probably could have saved myself from a lot of aggravation, frustration, and much devastation.

    Being in a relationship always gave me a natural high cofidence, just to know that there is someone that is always thinking of you and wondering what you are up to. It can be a pain sometimes but if it is than you are probably with the wrong person. Starting with my ifrst relationship when I was sixteen (young dumb and full of cum. )Not to mention being raised by parents that grew up in the fifties, I figured why not stay with this girl for a while.

    Thinking the old fashioned way, of course within two months I had no gorlfriend. At this point I realized that there is going to be many more relationships. With my second relationship when I was about seventeen it acually lasted about six months. In June it ended,summertime, which made me think that I really didn’t know anything about the opposite sexiven after those two relationships. Finding out two years later that my best fiend had gotten together with her didn’t bother me only because two years had alredy past and t that point I understood a lot more about the opposite sex and I would have to say that by then, from everything that I had seen,it really didn’t surprise me vey much. The last long relationship I was in I found myself a lot less trusting thanks to my past experiences woth the opposite sex.

    This relationshop lasted approximately one year. About six months into the relationship summertimearrived and she wanted to separate. I told her if that’s what she wanted, than it was fine, and within the next two months I had relationships with both of her best frends. She didn’t like that too much but we ended up back togeather somehow for another six months(stupid me!) I went from dumb to dumber becouse after we got back togeather the second and the last time I found out that she cheated on me just as many times , if not more than I had cheated on her, In conclusion, knowing what I know now , I know that I cannot trust the opposite sex any farther than I could throw them, unless theyare just friends. Also over the years I have realized that women lie a lot to save you from getting hut, and a lot of times they lie for nothing at all.

    I’m not saying all guys are any better, byt why would I care? ————————————————————–

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The young man trying to figure out the opposite se Essay. (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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