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    The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essay

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    Response to essay on The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings What does this piece reveal about people’s attitudes towards religion? Why dothe townspeople treat the old man in the way that they do? Do they responddifferently to the spider girl than to the old man? Is there evidence that he isreally an angel? Does that make a difference? Why is the subtitle of the piece ATale for Children? Why would children be the intended audience for this piece?Is it intended to be educational? If so, in what way? Explain the ending a bitmore.

    What does this piece have to do with life after death as you bring up inyour essay? Is an angel the same as a ghost? What is an angel? What purpose arethey thought to serve in human life? Does this angel serve that purpose? If not,does he serve any purpose? Does he fail at his objective? Explain. Why is thepiece called A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings rather than An Angel?Any suggestions? Do the people exploit him? Explain.Any connection between the old man’s arrival and the child’s recovery? Is itsimply coincidence? How do you respond to the parents’ displaying the old manto make money off of him? What does that say about them, about their attitudestowards religion, towards God’s work.English Essays

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essay. (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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