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    The Supreme Court and The First Amendment

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    The supreme court is the highest judicial court in the country or state. The supreme court states in the first amendment, “freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition”. For example, students should not be suspended for expressing themselves, also people should be able to practice their religion freely without the slander. Many people are ignorant about their surrounding and their rights as citizens. People should know their right to protect themselves, this could stop problems with kids going to school and not feeling like they have a voice or feel like they have to hide their religion because it might start a “hate crime”. No one should have to get through this world hiding who they truly are because of other peoples ignorance.

    This first cases tinker v. Des Moines is talking about how several students were protesting about the Vietnam war and while they were protesting the students decided to wear black armbands to school. The school warned parents if they came to school with the armband they will get suspended, but one family named the tinker went to school with it and got suspended. The supreme court decided 2-7 against suspension because the First Amendment applied to schools. This win allowed students to feel like their voice is being heard and now kids all over the world are standing up to the higher court. My opinion on the case that kids should not be suspended for expressing themselves and how they feel about the war.

    The next cases Bethel school v. Fraser is about a kid who gave a speech to other students before he gave the speech his teachers told him not to because it was not appropriate. The school suspended him for violating the school rule that prohibited the use of obscene, profanity and language or gestures. The supreme court decided 7-2 for suspension, they reinstate the suspension, saying that the school district’s policy did not violate the first amendment. My opinion is that kid was wrong for the words he used but he has the right to freedom of speech.

    The last court cases Santa Fe independent school district v Jane Doe is about the school letting a student give a prayer over the public address system before a football game. The supreme court decided 6-3, School prayer is a controversial topic in American jurisprudence. My opinions on this are that they should think of the people that don’t believe in the same religion.

    In conclusion, the supreme court hasn’t taken away our rights but interprets it differently. For example, the First Amendment doesn’t state everyone has freedom of speech consequent free. We as citizens feel like we’re getting our rights taken away but that only because we are all looking at it differently. Each student went to school with the impression the First Amendment will protect them. If you are under someone else authority and they have rules, then the constitution can’t help you. The rules that were given to you are to protect you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Supreme Court and The First Amendment. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from

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