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    The Story of Immigration From Honduras to Miami

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    Christopher Columbus discovered Honduras in 1502. Honduras is in Central America and has a population of 9,417,167 people. It covers 111,890 square kilometers of land and 200 square kilometers of water. Olancho (a state in Honduras) has a population 537,306 people. Honduras is well known for its natural resources. The national flower of Honduras is the orchid. Honduras currency is the lempira. The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa.

    Some interesting things you can do is explore Maya ruins. They are in the western of Honduras. A Talgua Cave in Honduras is named “The Cave of the Glowing Skulls because of how the light reflected in the calcite deposits found in the bones of the burial cave.” You can also go to Mahogany Bay and zip line, snorkel or just have a chill day at the beach. Those are SOME stuff you can do in Honduras.

    My mother immigrated from Olancho, Honduras to Miami when she was 23 years old. The flight from Honduras to Miami is 2 hours and 25 minutes long. The flight was one physical barrier she had to overcome. Olancho is 827 miles from Miami.

    My mother decided to move to the United States, so she can have a better life and she wanted to visit United States. She never thought of going to another country because she had some family members in the United States. Back in Honduras my mom made clothes and now she cleans a house. It was a hard decision for my mom to leave because she knew she was going to miss her family. She keeps contact with her family back in Honduras.

    One geographic barrier that my mom had to face is transportation. She did not have enough money to buy a car. During her first years in the United States she was able to get transportation from her family members that lived there but after wards she took the bus to get any where she wanted to go.

    My mom probably came at a not so easy age. If she had come as a child, her parents could have taught her things and they could have helped her with things she might have been confused with. If she had come as a teenager, it could have a been one way or another way. She could have come without parents and she would probably have to be teaching herself things. Like how to pay the bills, how to save money, how to find a job, the address of streets and much more things. Or she could have come with her parents and it could have been like a child but a little different. She will probably need to help her parents with paying the bills and all those stuff parents must do. But she would still gotten help if her parents were with her. As an adult you must be independent. You must do all the hard stuff all by yourself and if you are confused or you don’t know what to do you have to figure it all by yourself (unless you have friends, or your parents answer your phone calls for help).

    All in all, this is the history behind my mom’s immigration story. I found it interesting and I was happy that I found out facts about Honduras. It might sound boring at first but do some research and ask more questions and you will be interested.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Story of Immigration From Honduras to Miami. (2022, Nov 26). Retrieved from

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