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    The Story of an Hour: Summary and Analysis

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    After reading  The story of an Hour, we can see that women roles today have changed dramatically. We changed politically, socially, and economically and it is making a great impact on our society today. Many years ago, women were controlled by men and did not seem to have any sense of freedom. The story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is a perfect demonstration of what types of unfair social issues women were faced with.

    The story of an Hour also gives us an Insight into what women were thinking during these hard and unjust times. Women were expected to be passive and delicate in the 19th century, and Louise’s heart condition reinforces this societal expectation. Her physical weakness encourages the people around her, like Richards and Josephine, to stifle her emotions and become overprotective of her.

    After finding that her husband dies, Louise’s desire to be alone with her grief is the first indication of her movement towards freedom and independence, especially in regards to the handling of her own emotions, in the idea that she is weak, though she is physically exhausted by sobbing.

    As said in the passage, “the resurgent prominence of plant life, the return of birdsong, everything”, embody an approaching revelation, and the uncertain signification of it all slowly overwhelms Louise. By opposing this unnamable feeling, she begins to fear its indications all the more.

    Making it notable that the sensations seems to reach out to her from the sky and air, hinting it’s vast strength. It later talks about how Louise’s friend, Josephine, later worries that Louise will make herself sick by staying in her bedroom and begs her to open the door. Rather than becoming sick, she comes to realizations that her new life will be full of freedom.

    As said in the story “There would be no one to live for her” during those coming years, she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in a blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose upon. Whether it be a kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less of a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of understanding.

    Just as in the nineteenth-century society’s nature, instead of helping her during her emotional process, it interferes with it. Demonstrating to the reader’s that the people around Louise are more concerned about controlling her emotional response rather than her emotional response itself.

    Later in the story, her husband comes back and that kills her mind and thoughts, which then caused her body to physically react and kill her because she then again loses her freedom. She will probably be more free in death rather than real life. Women were not supposed to work, drink, smoke, vote or do anything significantly valuable that represented they had a brain.

    They were just supposed to get married and be dependent on men. Soon women grew tired of society’s laws and took matters into their own hands. They started to rebel against marriages and even started doing the same things men were to do.

    We went from having no voice at all to having slowly changed our looks and that my friend caused a change politically. Even though women were not very interested in attaining a franchise or could no vote during those times, many assumed that they were essential apolitical beings.

    That being said, it was after the war that many women sought a more expansive political role for themselves. Moreover, men welcomed women’s support for the war effort and sometimes even after the war ended. Though things were starting to unravel for women, many became more active and faced severe logical and ideological obstacles.

    So although men and women are supposedly seen as equals, sexism still exists today, but women are definitely seen as stronger and more intelligent than back in the day.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Story of an Hour: Summary and Analysis. (2023, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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