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    The Performing Arts and Inspiration Essay

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    My personal telling of ballet are that it is so extremely important to every dancers training. It develops discipline and dedication: ballet technique is very detailed and requires practice to improve. Let’s face it; everything in ballet requires good posture. In time, the posture is utilized in the studio and translates to every part of a dancers life. Two large parts of ballet technique which, as a result, diminish the likelihood of injury in ballet, sports, and other dance forms,

    Though often slow and graceful, ballet has many jumping exercises which people need to maintain agility. You learn to connect verbal commands and musical cues with exercise demonstrations and perform them in your body. Different parts of the brain are problem solving to perform the movements in time With the music. One of my friends has taken modern dance classes ever since she has started ballet. At her dance school, to attend modern dance classes, they have to take weekly ballet classes so we have the correct technique’s they need. Joy modern dance but it is very much based on emotion through rawer movement and performance. Some people have a lot Of trouble showing emotion and that is one of weakness which can be improved upon. Modern dance originated from ballet so it is said that they copied the ballet origin. As reaction, modern dance would try and set itself as far away from ballet as possible. Regardless of this, similarities remain. Modern dance encourages the design of new steps. Dancers and choreographers are free to create new steps based on their moods and emotions.

    They don’t always have to stand or move a certain way. For example, modern dance performers use more human and natural movements to express themselves, like pedestrian motions as simple as walking or playing a game. Think in modern dance there is less concern about entertaining the audience, so the dancer is letting her ideas shine in the dance rather than following a strict script that has little to do with her, like in classical ballet. Throughout my friend’s 12 long years of dancing, she had only attended ballet classes for 5 years.

    She aid she started at the age Of g and loved every minute Of it. She also States that she always saw it as being very strict and positioned but that was the way she liked it to be taught. The reason Why she started ballet was because her dance teacher had said that it would improve all of her other dance genres. 5 years down the track she still loves it; she really likes structural dances. That would be a main reason why she enjoyed ballet. To this day, she still strongly believes that ballet is the basic foundation of most forms of dance. So why is

    There Rivalry between the Two Styles? There is rivalry between modern dance and ballet because modern dance originated and is a interpret from ballet, Modern genre was rebelling against the strict, well-organized nature of classical ballet. They would prefer bare feet over pointed shoes, I truly believe that ballet is better and more important than modern dance because ballet is the foundation of all other dance genres and personally enjoy the style better, along with my friend who still takes classes for ballet and also teaches it as well.

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    The Performing Arts and Inspiration Essay. (2018, Jul 31). Retrieved from

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