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    The Meaning Of Life Through The Eyes Of Ivan Denis Essay

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    ovichWhat is the meaning of life? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by all of humanity since the beginning of time. It is a question naturally asked by people because they have the ability to make choices about life. The question would appear to be difficult to answer and different for every individual depending on their circumstances.

    It is the ultimate search for truth and purpose in life, although the meaning of life is believed to be an idea that expresses their true purpose within life. These expressions can be defined within a given proximity in accordance with their current lifestyles. Ivan Denisovichs lifestyle differs from all aspects of a normal life, for his was depicted within a Siberian work camp in the Soviet Union. Within this camp all that mattered was the amount of food rations attained and the will to live the best he could.

    Although he was well aware of how things function in the camp, he learned when to work hard and when to take it easy, defining his acute character. The meaning in life through the eyes of Ivan Denisovich was to live a life of integrity and honesty, utilizing an optimistic attitude in all situations, while maintaining his upholding status. Ivan Denisovich is an old-timer in the prison camp and although he does odd jobs here and there to earn food or favors, he maintains a level of personal integrity. Integrity and honesty can be defined as the quality or state of being unimpaired or of being honest, refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing; being truthful, trustworthy, and upright. Ivans honesty and integrity have been illustrated in many events that assure his own personal morals to live a life worthy of his own actions.

    He exemplifies these honorable morals in his actions throughout the entire day, which consisted of pitiful meals and harsh working conditions. He demonstrated his strict morality while eating dinner in the mess hall. Yet, this old man is unlike all the other zeks. He sits upright and brings his spoon up to his lips.

    He does not put his bread on the dirty table, but on his clean rag. Somehow, even through countless years of prison life, he has maintained a sense of dignity. He manifests his acute morals in all situations regardless of the status in which he is situated. He stands out, even though he is no different from any other, for many were wrongfully imprisoned for actions not justifiable to the communistic government. Not only does he strive to keep his acute morals uncluttered but he also aspires to maintain a conscientious form of integrity in all his actions.

    With his deal with one of the Estonians They always shared and share alike and wouldnt use a single shred of tobacco without the other knowing. They said something to each other under breath and Eino got out his pouch stitched with pink cord. He took some tobacco and put it in Shukovs hand. Then he had another look and threw in a few more strands just enough to make a cigarette but no more.

    Shukov demonstrated his integrity by attaining trust among the prisoners, a trust gained only from his previous engagements of sincere and honest deeds. Ivans moral values strived close to that of a nobleman maintaining his dignity without stooping to the lower levels of poor desperate men. Although he was an honest and moral man, not all aspects of his purpose in life focuses on his moral but mainly on his optimistic attitude in excruciating situations. Ivans optimistic attitude motivated the others around him to perform the given tasks with a can do attitude.

    To a man, ones aspect of life can aspire a man to perform a great deed with a positive attitude, which Ivan had accomplished within the power plant. The 104th gang was stationed at the power plant to finish the construction of the half built structure, in which all members of the gang were assigned a specific task. Ivan was assigned the task to build up the wall along with the Captain and Alyosha. Shukov turn this mindless assignment .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Meaning Of Life Through The Eyes Of Ivan Denis Essay. (2019, Mar 14). Retrieved from

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