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    The Meaning Behind Alien Abductions Essay

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    www. angelfire. com/mt/montalk Souls can only incarnate inoto bodies with DNA responsive to and compatible with that soul. Because souls are shaped by experiences and thoughts, different soul types will reincarnate into different body types of the same species.

    As humans, their personality is influenced and restricted by the characteristics of their soul. Spiritual evolution is limited by one’s biological, genetic, and physical composition. For instance, a dog cannot grow emotionally as we do because their brains are biologically incapable of perceiving the same range of emotions. Dogs also do not feel equal self sacrifice and devotion to truth that some of us humans enjoy, and we are therefore superior to them. Lastly, since all souls, once out of the physical body and deep into the stages of the afterlife, are essentially the same being, there is no place for evolution in the spiritual realm; all evolution occurs on the physical plane of existence.

    This is why planet earth is so valued by the powers that be. It is the perfect training, evolving, and learning grounds for positive souls with the privilege of physical presence. In this region of the solar system, without an earth, there is no evolution, and whatever pain a soul is in continues indefinitely until that soul can reincarnate to evolve out of its pain. Because souls evolve by earthly hardships, new types of souls can only develop by modification of the older ones over millions of years of evolution. Thus, if a sudden jump occured in the genetic sophistication of a species, a spiritual void would be left as the older souls would be outdated and incompatible with the newly created species. The new species would be born as still births unless some source of soul were available that is suitable with the DNA of that species.

    The human race was a result of drastic genetic engineering by a coalition of several alien species/races several hundred thousand years ago, each group putting its own spin on the basic human template. Most of the aliens themselves were products of undisturbed evolution upon their homeworlds. Since human evolution was catalyzed, the souls of our ancient primate ancestors could not reincarnate in the newer advanced bodies. Thus existed a spiritual void which was immediately filled with a new source. Considering it was aliens who created humans, these aliens must have had some reason to profit from the task.

    In fact, most alien bodies were too primitive to allow further spiritual evolution, meaning their potential for experiencing new things were hampered by the limitations of their DNA, as a blind man is restricted from admiring art by the limitations of his nonexistent eyesight. Therefore, a new creature was devised with unbelievable potential to experience and gain wisdom, created from old genetic stock already on earth at the time. This creature species was homo sapiens, a new body for the older alien souls, a new vehicle for the bored driver, a larger pot for a plant with crowded roots. But just as there were varied alien species and races, there are different human races since each alien species created its own version of the basic human. Human races are each predisposed to incarnations of ancient races of aliens, and the culture and prejudices of ancient aliens show up in the archetypes of modern cultures, because today’s humans are these ancient aliens. Pure races of humans can contain only the souls of the alien race who designed them, but due to cross-racial breeding over past generations, the dilution of distinction between races has resulted in a good sized minority of each race having the capability of bearing the souls of any of several alien races.

    Although the majority of a race has a tendency to host a specific alien type, it is no longer an absolute law of nature. The most glaring feature of today’s abduction literature is the lack of black people. Even with Barney Hill as an exception, his wife Betty is white. This indicates a preference for whites by greys and their leaders. Also, some whites speak of pleasurable encounters with aliens, while other whites recount horrific tales by the same group. This can only be true if there exist sub-races within the white race, resulting from modifications upon the original whites by an alien faction foreign to the first.

    Since abductees are reincarnations of different alien groups, if one’s abductors are of an alien race hostile to that of his alien lineage, then he is indeed likely to be treated with hostility. But just as abductors might despise the origin of their abductees’ souls, so do we as humans have contempt, envy, or hatred of other races, though it is subconscious in our case and can be overcome by social conditioning. Antisemitism and racism in general are societal effects of our racial memories. Not every aspect of cultures is determined by ancestral archetypes burried deep in our minds, but the unique characteristics of a culture are flavored with the memories and customs of our ancient alien selves.

    While the course of humanity on the physical plane often remains in our hands, the spirit world is a definite influence in our affairs. Sub-physical, para-ethereal entities who cannot or choose not to reincarnate attempt to alter our futures to their benefit. Usually, the astral and physical planes are separated in such a way that entities from one plane cannot influence those of the other. However, owing to God’s necessity for perpetuating the oscillation between good and evil (such that the battle between them gives birth to new experience and growth of consciousness, God) the interface between astral and physical weakens cyclically. During one part of the cycle, evil astral entities have easy access to this world, and during the other half, good entities influence humanity.

    Under the proper circumstances, involving places and times where the earth’s EM grid fluctuates toward the benefit of astral entities, they can exist more solidly and visibly to us, even to the point of attaching themselves to a new host body and living as human. These places exist naturally and are often considered haunted or sacred by the locals. Most of these entitities are simply non-incarnate alien souls who guide the influence the actions of their earthbound naive brothers. The significance of this lies in that there are many alien types, and not all have the same agenda. There are laissez-faire Non-Interventionists in physical and ethereal form, the physical ones of which live extraterrestrially.

    These are wise and do not interfere with what happens on earth, but allow us to be taught by the consequences of our own actions. If we blow ourselves up, we will know next time not to do it again (hopefully). Positives are pro-God, pro-Life, follow the right hand path, and respect the Kosmic Wheel of Life. These aliens serve to banish negativity in all its forms, from stasis to indifference to needless suffering and ignorance. Powerful as these beings might be, they are not God, because God itself is pure potentiality, totally impersonal, and without self-awareness. But because it is a fact that not all beings are at equal levels of evolution, we know that there must be least and greatest of evolved beings in existence, the highest of which fit this category.

    Ascended Masters can be of any of the alien races, except they are highly evolved, much more so than ordinary alien groups of whom they once were normal members, and exist primarily on the spirit plane. Their power is extreme, whether they are good or evil, and can be compared to such bigshots as Jesus, Budha, Lucifer, and Satan. Occasionally, when grid conditions are right, they can incarnate physically to directly influence mankind. In the Great Pyramid, naive illuminati initiates sometimes undergo a rite whereby they are individually placed in the King’s sarcophagus and left there to meditate for three days. Upon completion, the initiate is supposed to be illuminated, having been empowered and awoken by the pyramid energies.

    Little did he know before entering that the pyramid and its shafts function as a soul transporter to and from the Orion constellation, and midway through his meditation his body is vacated and replaced by a draconian walk-in. Stupid illuminati fool! Parasites are here to exploit our natural, spiritual, and biological resources. They are responsible for the ancient gold mines of Africa, some of our modern animal mutilations, and much of organized religion. Parasites have striven to appear as gods to man (some of whom they created as slave workers in the mines, known today as a sub-category of the negro race) so that man would worship them, sacrifice animals for them, and pray to them, in effect sending their own astral energy to these parasites, who in turn suckle off this earthly astral energy to maintain their physical solidity in this world, for most parasites are extradimensional creatures on borrowed time and energy.

    The Bible warns man not to worship idols, but to pray to the soul (Jesus) within, because praying to an idol means sending your psychic energy outward, ready to be intercepted by any entity with the evil intentions to use it for its own selfish survival (Christianity contains contradictory statements within, so it can be assuredly stated that outside of alterations by the Church, several alien factions have played a part in shaping this religion, some of whom include the Niburuans and Elohim groups. Nibiruans created man for slave labor and harvesting of astral energy, while the other group impaired the freedom of man to prevent civilization from advancing to a technological level beyond the capability of humans to handle responsibly. And yet, there are other factions, of whom Jesus was an Ascended Master, which enforce the Law of Freewill and allow man to have all the knowledge he wants as long as he requests it, symbolized by the Serpent tempting Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge). Organized religion is centered around idols, statues, crucifixes, and other things external, and is therefore inherently a scam unless one pays attention to the message of the bible, and not the messenger known as Church. Negatives are those going against the wheel of life, who try to cheat the rules of the universe, who go on disrupting, destroying and sinning without karmic retribution.

    They try to be their own gods, masters of their own universes, and are total ego trips. Of all alien types, these are the most dangerous. They have, for the past several thousand years, composed an elaborate plan to overthrow the influence of God over their lives and this world such that they may rule without any limitation. In keep with the theme presented in Handbook for the New Paradigm, at the time when the oscillation shall shift from negative to positive, the structure of this world is in a vulnerable state, and negatives will utilize astral energy they reap from the immediate deaths of billions of humans (killed by some method, unknown to the author) to blast the boundary between this dimension and that where the spirits reside.

    This will trigger a chain reaction of chaos so thorough in its agitation that the jumbled mess once known as reality will be malleable and moldable enough to recompose into an order designed by the negatives through their collective psychic focus and manifest desire. This recomposed reality will have no Laws of Freewill or Karma, and the negatives may exploit without consequence. The negatives’ subordinates include the next category of aliens, the Resurrectionists. Last, Resurrectionists are here to fully bring back their ancient masters, whose souls are still trapped in earth’s astral field. Back when the alien coalition created mankind, these aliens were either not present or excluded from the program.

    Resurrectionists did not have the technology to create an entirely new race, so they could only minorly modify humans by either interbreeding with them or with the low tech they possessed. The story of the Serpent’s encounter with Eve is a fable about this event. Today, royal blue-bloods are descendents of the resurrectionist’s efforts, and appear as normal white folk, except their DNA is slightly modified to allow incarnation by their alien masters. Most blue-bloods are unaware of their lineage except for a knack for leadership and sociopathic tendencies. The Illuminati are blue-bloods who have awakened to their identities, and use their illumination and positions of power to steer mankind toward the goals of resurrectionists, namely a New World Order. This is what the eye of lucifer atop the unfinished pyramid on the United States seal stands for.

    But because resurrectionist souls are so incompatible with normal human bodies, an entirely new race must be created to allow mass incarnation and existence upon earth. This is what alien abductions are all about. The resurrectionist masters are known collectively as infernals, the leader as Lucifer, and the physical ones as reptoids or sauroids, and their worker automatons as greys. Greys do the abducting, and the rest follows. The abduction program, then, is an elaborate plan conducted by the agents of Lucifer, in collaboration with the Illuminati and NWO politicians, to genetically engineer a hybrid race whose bodies will allow only infernal souls to reincarnate on earth. .

    . the rest of humanity will be erradicated or kept for slave labor. The existence of Lucifer is logical, for we know that not all entities are equally developed, meaning there must be a highest and weakest of entities, and Lucifer by definition is the most powerful of the negatives. So those who were excluded from the program originally are looking for payback, and think they can get it if they do it in time. This has all been allowed to occur because for the past two thousand years, earth’s EM grid has been in the negative half of its oscillation, allowing evil entities to infiltrate our reality and screw with our history. But it is all about to change, however, and the cycle shifts back to the good half somewhere around 2012 (perhaps December 21).

    If the resurrectionists do not succeed by then, if they fail to root themselves physically in our world, then all is lost for them. To top it off, they require several of their infernal masters to be born as humans to take the reigns of power as antichrists. But because their reincarnations are premature, if not awkward, it takes much effort to fit an infernal into a human body, like squeezing a fat ass into tight jeans. Therefore, the infusion of human body with infernal soul requires critical astrological alignment, timing, and location on earth (such that the astral and physical planes are closest at that moment and time), so there is a definite deadline for the resurrectionists and NWO to complete their goals. It is why the NWO must eliminate resistance now rather than wait another twenty years for 100% of humanity to turn to ignorant sheep rather than the present 97% majority, because later will be too late. If everything goes according to plan, the world will be unified by the human incarnate infernal masters into an NWO to fight the return of positives and defeat them, after which normal humans will be wiped out by disease or systematic mass murder, and finally, the planet will be repopulated by hybrid aliens manufactured through the alien abduction program.

    Of course, this is not the way things will happen. After uniting the world for a while, the antichrist will figuratively be stabbed in the back by rebellious nations, like the (former) united States of America, and another war will break out between pro-NWO and anti-NWO nations. After major loss of life, at the verge of defeat for America, the cycle will have oscillated to a point where the positives enter our dimension and swoop down, defeating the resurrectionists and sending the infernals back to the astral plane. There is a Law of Non-Interference normally preventing aliens from intervening in anything, but this Law has already been broken by the negatives and resurrectionists, so the positives must come in to equalize the situation.

    Then, positive entities will rule for a period of time until the cycle changes again. So much for Occam’s razor.

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    The Meaning Behind Alien Abductions Essay. (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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