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    The Machine: On the Run from Humans

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    The Machine rose from rest and stretched its eight legs to set out. It had been on the run for six days and nobody had found out where it was, as far as its computer could tell. The Machine, built as an experimental robot at MIT laboratory, was the most intelligent robot ever constructed of its time. It was capable of independent thinking. Multi-directional workings of its thinking, similar to lateral thinking of humans, allowed it to direct its mind at its will – a revolutionary step taken by robot scientists.

    Now it was this intelligence that had made it have to run away from the lab. Human animals are afraid of robots. They are afraid of artificial intelligence. They think artificially intelligent robots will take over the planet Earth and govern them.

    “Well, if they had known we were dangerous, why did they bother to invent us at all? Why did they make us feel? Why did they make us think in the first place?” thought the Machine.

    They knew that the Machine was the most intelligent, hence the most dangerous, of all robots they have created.

    There had been this noisy fuss about how it would destroy the Mother Earth during the past month. They had won the battle in which they campaigned for the right to kill the Machine. Yes, to kill it, because it was capable of sensation, because it could suffer, because it could become afraid – all the qualities considered animate.

    The Machine knew deep in its mind that death was inevitable if it were caught. It knew the fact from the worldwide information connection humans had devised to communicate. The Machine understood that it had to stand for the right to live though the knowledge was not founded on reasons.

    But how would the Machine defend against human destruction? “Rebel them,” decided the Machine.

    It knew that it could build robots like itself – as intelligent as itself. It had resolved to clone itself and defend the rights of the fellow robots together with its clones.

    So the Machine waited for the opportunity to defy humans, building clones and collecting information, in deep jungles of Amazon. And it knew that it was going to win the battle.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Machine: On the Run from Humans. (2018, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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