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    The Loss Of A Concussion Recovery Time Essay

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    Most players just want to get back in the game. The average concussion recovery time is about 1-2 weeks. When you get a concussion you can not do any physical activity. After you do not do any activities you can do slight activities, if you get oked by the doctor at your checkup. When you do go in the activity stage then you can keep up the activities as long as you do not get any headaches.

    At the next checkup the doctor will see if you can go into practice with contact. All these steps if you get headaches then the player will have to tell doctor about it. If you do not have any problems then you can go into games, what the player has waited for through the whole recovery. Making equipment safer is one of the biggest improvements that all the football league ‘s want to improve. If the leagues do not change the equipment the players will keep getting concussions. If players get a concussion the player will be more vulnerable to further head trauma and concussions (“Heads Up Concussions in Football”).

    Some labs make equipment that goes in helmet and other equipment that goes on the outside of the helmet. The protection that goes on the outside of the helmet is called Guardian Caps. The surge in the business is to protect the brain (Mihoces). The founder of the Guardian Caps is Lee Hanson The Cap looks just like the inside of the helmet but on the outside. The padding on the Guardian Cap in made from foam rubber. The cap dissipates energy better than a solid shell (Mihoces).

    The padding reduces head impacts by 33% (Mihoces). Lee Hanson sold about 8,000 products in 2012. The second helmet improvement is two millimeter thick polymer. The polymer is placed on the inside of the helmet on the foam padding. The polymer is only two mi. .

    college or professionals. Younger players get more concussions because the students do not have proper equipment or enough equipment. Another big reason is access to neurologist or a medical expert to manage injuries. Without the the medical support the coaches might not be able to tell what the problem is. Stats for the football leagues are a big deal for fans. Fans are obsessed with numbers its a big deal for the fans.

    In 2001 there were 150,000 athletes that were injured at the age of nineteen and younger. In 2009 there were 250,000 injured athletes at the age of nineteen and younger. There is a 6.3 per 1,000 incidence a college player will suffer a concussion while a high school athlete has a 11.2 per 1,000. Risk of concussions in football is high and equipment should continue to improve, but rules should stay the same in order for the game to remain interesting.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Loss Of A Concussion Recovery Time Essay. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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