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    The Importance of Work Ethics in Today’s Global Society

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    When someone is working for a company or business they need to be able to bring their work ethic traits with them. An employer wants someone who is dependable, dedicated, reliable, trustworthy, honest, and shows a great attitude. Employers want to know that they are hiring good employees, so it is good to show your work ethics traits at all times. When working for any company or business, an employee with good work ethics is needed to help achieve goals and help build the company to become better. To bring structure to the workplace environment work ethic traits need to be implemented. Why is it important to have good communication skills in the workplace? How does teamwork play a role in a company achieve their goals? The importance of communication, teamwork, and respect will help build the foundation for companies and businesses.


    People in today’s times do not have effective communication skills, instead they just argue and never get any issues or tasks resolved. (Eunson, 2017). Learning how to communicate in and out of the workplace setting brings structure to any company or business. People should actively listen to what someone has to say and give positive feedback (Eunson, 2017, p. 119). Actively listening and comprehending is an effective two way communication that is important (King, 2010). Eunson (2017) states, “everyone can learn to be more effective in their communication with others, but sometimes the most effective communication is to say nothing at all.” According to Eunson (2017), “Communication can be the glue that holds organizations together, or the explosive agent that blows organizations apart.”


    To be a successful and growing team, trust is the foundation. Teams need to communicate effectively to get their tasks done at hand (Parker, 2009). Parker (2009) states, “most teams do not communicate enough, yet good communication is directly linked to trust.” According to Parker (2009), “trust is not something you can order to take place, wish to occur or give as gift, it develops over time as team members come to believe in and depend upon their teammates.” When employees are looking for employers they should look for ones who are willing to share their expertise with others, complete all work assignments on time, and support and work to implement all team decisions. A lot of people like to work with people who have similar interests as them, but sometimes that is not a good idea because that leaves out an opportunity for new styles to be brought to the table (Parker, 2009).


    Respect is something that is given not earned. It is common courtesy to show respect to people even if they do not show it back (Carmeli, Dutton, & Hardiin). To build a successful team everyone need to have respect for each other, because if there is no respect then there is no trust. When working in a team everyone needs to be able to trust their team mates, so they can help build their company or business (Lin &Yeh, 2014). Employees who are respected will bring more to the table when in the workplace. The employees will know that the work that they do is being valued (Thomas, 2016). Employees who feel respected and valued will more than likely become embedded in the company (Carmeli, Dutton, & Hardiin). Respect goes a long way in and outside of the workplace (Lin & Yeh, 2014). According to Thomas (2016), “being increasingly respected is a positive job experience for employees because they highly value such rewards.


    It is important for people in the workplace to go to work and help make the company or business better and implement their work ethic traits. If there is no respect, communication or teamwork then how can a team be successful? There needs to be communication between employees and employers to build a better team. A team leader is someone who possess all the work ethic traits and implement them to help build a stronger team. When team leaders are chosen they should be chosen with precision, because if not it can cause a company to downfall. Team leaders should respect and value everyone on their team.

    Works Cited Page

    1. Carmeli A, Dutton JE, Hardin AE. (2015). Respect as an engine for new ideas: Linking respective engagement, relational information processing and creativity among employees and teams. Human Relations, 68, 1021-1047.
    2. Eunson, Baden. Communication in the Workplace. Wrightbooks, 2007.
    3. King, C.L. 2010. Beyond persuasion: The rhetoric of negotiation in business communication. Journal of Business Communication, 47: 69-78.
    4. Lin C, Yeh Y. (2014). How gratitude influences well-being: A structural equation modelling approach. Social Indicator Research,
    5. NG, Thomas (2016). Embedding Employees Early On: The Importance of Workplace Respect. Personnel Psychology
    6. Parker, G. M. (2009). Teamwork : 20 Steps to Success. Amherst, MA: HRD Press.

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    The Importance of Work Ethics in Today’s Global Society. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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