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    The Holucast Essay (261 words)

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    The Holocaust was a very bad thing in history. Millions died in the concentration camps and when and if they were liberated they would come home to no family.

    I can imagine how it felt to be a Jew in the Holocaust. The Jews went to their physical and mental limit just to avoid death. If we do not live our lives fully then we are wasting the gift of life. I don’t think it’s fair to waste our life, because many people worked a lot harder than us to have life, while they were not able to have it. If life is not protected then we are giving in to death, which is the very thing the Jews fought to avoid. But always remember the quote, “Whoever forgets the past, is doomed to repeat it.

    ” If we do not remember the suffering of the Jews, we could be sentencing ourselves to the same pain. Finally, I know that the only way to fully live life is to have life eternally through Jesus Christ. Holocaust is defined as, “the wholesale destruction and loss of life. ” We will face our own holocaust, because I know that I will someday die. Just as Americans came to the rescue of the Jews, Jesus Christ came to rescue me when he died for me.

    He lived through his own holocaust so that I won’t have to. If we simply trust that Jesus will save us from death, just as the Jews believed that someone would rescue them from death, we can have true eternal life

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Holucast Essay (261 words). (2019, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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