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    The Hero’s Journey of Jerry in Through the Tunnel, a Book by Doris Lessing

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    Joseph Campbell’s Hero Journey was used in “Through the Tunnel”. The author ,Doris Lessing, was very creative during this passage while using these 12 steps. Today, I am going to talk about how an eleven year old boy named Jerry, who did something that most adults couldn’t do. Ms.Lessing wrote this story about a young boy named Jerry. Jerry was a very shy little boy but, he was also a “Mama’s boy”. His accomplice was mostly his mother and he did everything he could to please her. He was thought to be wimpy. What do you think about little Jerry? Is he really hero material? Keep reading to find out!

    Jerry saw something, he saw something that he wanted to explore. He saw a bay! Now, I know you’re probably thinking oh wow a bay but, this bay triggered something in Jerry that made him want to explore it. He wanted to explore it ever since he laid eyes on it but, when his mom asked “Would you rather not come with me? Would you rather—“, he saw the look on her face that made him not want to leave her. So instead, of exploring he went the to the big beach with his mother.

    One the next day, his mom asked “Are you tired of the usual beach, Jerry? Would you like go somewhere else?. Still Jerry said “No”, but while walking to the beach he spoke and said “I’d like to go and have a look at those rocks down there.” Surprisingly, his mother said “Of course, Jerry,” “He ran straight into the water and started swimming.” and he swam amazingly. Jerry, doesn’t sound so wimpy now, huh?

    As, Jerry looked around he saw a group of boys, and oh how Jerry wanted to with them. He swam close to them but, not to close. The boys allowed Jerry into their group, but the group was different than being with his mom, they forgot him. Jerry felt accepted in their group.

    The other boys started diving and coming back from another side of the rocks, and Jerry was intrigued. He wanted to know how they did that. When, Jerry tried to do it he failed, but instead of being calm he acted foolishly. He kicked and splashed, and made a fool of himself. Jerry was frowned on because, he wanted attention from the boys and a tantrum is how he got his way with his mom. The boys dived under the water, but did not come up quickly so Jerry counted. When he got to one hundred and sixty, the boys came up far from the rocks and ran away from Jerry.

    Jerry ran and asked his mother for some swimming goggles, and bothered and pestered her until she bought them. Jerry was going to figure out where the hole was. Jerry

    was so determined to find this hole, that he kept going under the water again and again. Finally, using his knees he found the hole. The hole was a irregular, dark gap. He swam back to the shore and, knew that he must find a way through that hole.

    Jerry first had to learn to control his breathing. At first, he could only go to 52 seconds but, then at night his nose started bleeding. Day after day, Jerry practiced holding his breathe underwater and night after night his nose bled. As Jerry, is doing this he is becoming more maturer. He is becoming so mature, that he doesn’t even ask his mom to go to the bay anymore.

    Finally, the day came that Jerry was going to through the hole. He could now breathe underwater for three minutes. When Jerry got to the bay, he started getting frightened. He was worried he might die. He put his goggles on and fitted them tight. He was going through the hole.

    He climbed inside the hole. His lungs were light but, his head was pulsing. He kept swimming. He saw sunlight, he was almost out. Suddenly, his lungs started hurting.

    He had to swim through the darkness, or he would drown. “His head was swelling, his lungs cracking.” Jerry became unconscious. He was in pain and was unconscious. He tried to touch something but, he could not. He came to the surface, and turned his face towards to air. He was gasping and could see nothing. He took off his goggles and blood went into the sea, his nose was bleeding. He sat up, he saw the boys,but he didn’t want them he wanted to go home. Jerry swam to the shore, and went home.

    He got in his bed and went to sleep. He awoke when he heard footsteps on the path, he rushed to the bathroom, to clean off his bloodstains and tear stains. “Have a good morning?”, she said. “Oh, yes, thank you,” he replied. “How did you bang your head?”, she asked. “Oh, I just banged it” he said. After, that they sat down and ate lunch. “I can swim underwater for two minutes, three minutes, at least” he blurted. “Well, I shouldn’t overdo it. I don’t think you ought to swim anymore today.” she said. Instead, of arguing he gave in.

    In conclusion, Jerry went through the Hero’s Journey. He was very determined during the last seven steps. He started out a childish little kid and, finished as a mature young adult. Jerry accomplished this amazing goal, and even though it was hard he finished. I think Jerry was a amazing hero.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Hero’s Journey of Jerry in Through the Tunnel, a Book by Doris Lessing. (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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