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    The Heroic Story of Ayrton Senna Essay

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    One reason that the documentary about Ayrton Senna turned into a heroic story was through its well-needed commentary and its dramatic music. The documentary did a good job of explaining the usefulness of Ayrton Senna to his native community. Stating, “Because he was well known in Brazil, people, organization, and even the government, all ran to him for one help or the other,” the speaker uses his knowledge and experience to reveal a different aspect of Senna’s life and its positive influence on his society.

    In terms of sounds and music, the narrator’s placement of his different choices of songs in its different locations is unrivaled. The soft and journey like music that started the movie, the songs that were played in order to celebrate champions at the mid section of the documentary (he was crowed the “formula one world champion”), and also the sorrowful sounds that occurred during Ayrton Senna’s burier, all contributed their part in transforming an ordinary documentary to a historic story.

    Another aspect that really brings out life from the documentary is the skillful technic of the settings and also the well-timed interviews with celebrities, family and other random people. At the earlier stage of the movie, the narrator profoundly describes Ayrton’s feeling about racing the go cars; he loves the fact that there were no politics or money involved; he loves the fact that it is fair and intensely competitive. And when asked by the public towards the end of the film about his most memorable race, he flashed back to as far as 1978 when he first came to Europe.

    These examples show the creativity of the filmmaker in his attempt to turn a life into a story. Having interviews in any documentary or shows helps the viewers to understand the current situation at hand. Every successful or memorable documentary mostly provides his or her spectator with sufficient and important interviews because it breaks down a general observation to a more specific and adequate scrutiny. In this story, the narrator made sure he touched the key aspects of Senna’s life.

    The speaker did interviews with lovely members of his family, grateful Brazilians, and his friendly but dangerous teammate, Prost. The narrator made sure that these interview all portrays different characteristic aspect of Senna’s life. During the course of the movie, the narrator made the bigger picture or the reality of the film visible to the public or viewers. Ayrton Senna’s rigid and constant mind was the first thing that one should be able to observe when watching the movie. His ability to retain his belief and avoid temptation proves to be an interesting phase of the movie.

    When the narrator verbalizes, “He saw God even when he was faced with all the tension and anxiety,” he positively educated his audience about how and where Senna derives the strength that he uses to resist persuasion. Due to the proves that has been laid out at the top of this paper, one should be able to presume that the general interpretation of the story would perceive Ayrton as a perfect role model for anybody who wants to be great and successful in his later part of his or her life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Heroic Story of Ayrton Senna Essay. (2018, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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