The Harlem Renaissance
How did Marcus Garvey encourage African American pride?
He started this thing called “Back to Africa” movement which advocated the separation of the blacks and whites. He had an association called “Universal Negro Improvement Association” which boasted almost 2.5 million members and sympathisers.
Did Marcus Garvey’s African American pride last long?
No, The federal government sent him to prison for mail fraud and then deported him to Jamaica.
Why was the 1920s called the “Jazz age”?
African Americans were the real once who the the age it’s jazz. Jazz music was encouraged during this period.
Where did jazz originate from?
South and Middle west, particularly in New Orleans.
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
It was the period of time when the African American culture flourished across the US. There were African American musicians, poets, novelists and artists.
Why were Claude McKay’s poems so famous?
He showed ordinary African American struggles for dignity and advancement in the face of discrimination and economic hardship.
How did the Harlem Renaissance help African Americans to not be considered a low position?
African Americans had a chance to show what they can do and many were interested in the arts, music and literature side. Many were famous music composers, poets, journalists, artists.
Did the Harlem Renaissance last long?
Yes, That time period had a very long lasting impact on American culture.
What themes did Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston explore?
They expressed the torture that the Americans put the African Americans through by writing them in poems and short story books.
How did the Harlem Renaissance effect the way Americans viewed African Americans?
The Americans viewed African Americans as slaves and good for nothing. But this time period proved that African Americans had amazing talents in all fields of art, music and literature.
The Harlem Renaissance. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from