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    The For A Family History Project Essay

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    “Huh. Never knew that.” Sitting at his computer a twelve year old version of myself looked intently at a computer screen. “This does explain the coat of arms Dad has hanging in the toilet though.” While researching for a family history project the young Tom ahd stumbled onto some surprising information.

    His last name, Drummond, is a historically Scottish name. “Always told I was English but whatever”.Originating in the highlands of Scotland the Drummond family has an extensive noble lineage. The current head of the family or clan holds the title of Earl of Perth and there is even a Scottish Queen somewhere back in the history. They were and still are a family with multiple castles, one even called Drummond Castle. “I should really verify this information with a non-Wikipedia ™ site.

    ” In accordance with the his thoughts the boy went back to his initial Google ™ search and went clicked on some more reputable scholarly journals. “That clears that up then,” the new sites corroborating his previous research. A very interesting and exciting genealogy to work into…. “seems like a lot of trouble truthfully”. With this in mind he thought back to some of the more recent histories of the Drummond family he had been told. “ I first met your father in a pub… and he was drunk as a skunk.

    ” “Thanks for sparing my innocent sensibilities there Mum” Continuing on unawares of her son’s traitorous thoughts my Mum thought back to a day many years ago. “ I was working as a bartender in a pub called the Lost Dene. No idea even what that could mean, whenever I asked Thomas, the owner, “WAIT! was I named after a bar owner!?” “Noooo” the uncomfortable look on her face told a different story. “ Anyway, moving on.he always dodged the question. The pub it.

    .y angry fiance. “You too really have no filter when it comes to your children do you?” As I said I don’t remember much but I apparently came to The Lost Dene already drunk, fell over the doorstop, face planted but got back up, and started asking your mother to marry me with various volumes and words. Your mother says I then went out back to throw up and never came back. She went out to check on me and found me passed out by the dustbins. Searching my pockets to preemptively steal my wallet and keys she found the ring I had gotten the last week.

    That is apparently the only reason she didn’t kill me, the ring implied I had thought about this while sober. She did leave me in the alley as punishment though.” “ I really did not need to know any of that thank you” “ Well now you do, any other questions?” “.was I named after a bar owner?” “Nooooo….” “Goddamn it.”

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The For A Family History Project Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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