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    Essay on Family History : The Dominican Republic Essay

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    Family HistoryShe is a 22 year old female, she comes from a Hispanic background. Both of her parents are Dominican, they were both born in the Dominican Republic. Her mother migrated to the United States at the age of 12. She later on got married in the Dominican Republic. In 1994 her father migrated to the United States to be with her mother and her.

    She is the oldest of three, she has a younger brother who is 18 years old and a little sister who is 11 years old. She was born in the United States, but spent some time in the Dominican Republic with her grandmother. Her grandmother passed away in 2012 from colon cancer, it was one of the hardest things that the family has ever dealt with. The person who took it the hardest was her grandfather, he started drinking more than he has drank before which caused him to suffer several brain seizures. The seizures caused him to lose his memory and he was unable to walk and eat on his own. Aside from the brain seizures later on the family discovered that he was diagnosed with leukemia.

    She is very close with her mother’s side of the family She does not really have a close relationship with her father’s side. They never showed much interest into being a part of her or her siblings lives.Medical HistoryShe does not show any physical symptoms, nor has she ever been on medication. She did have anemia once in her life, there are certain illnesses that run in her family such as cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. For now she shows a sign of good health.Social SupportShe is very family oriented, her family is always there when she needs them.

    She has a small circle of friends from high school that she still keeps in contact with and there are also friends that she has made in college he. .forming to the rules and regulations set out to her. She tends to be an underachiever, but she is highly motivated to achieve in particular settings that offer her flexibility. She prefers to work in an environment where she is able to do some independent thinking and where she is able to define her personal goals. She feels comfortable and confident when dealing with intellectual and conceptual matters, she is verbally fluent and likes to think ahead.

    Thinking ahead allows her to successfully complete tasks when asked. She over thinks a lot of the times causing her to make rash decisions. She looks at how things can affect her in either a positive or negative way, whether it may sometimes stop her from doing certain things she likes to look ahead. Thinking ahead allows her to plan ahead and have an idea of what she needs to do in order to have a successful outcome.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Family History : The Dominican Republic Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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