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    The Conflict Between Antifederalists and Federalists Impacts the United States Tremendously

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    Hamilton vs. Jefferson The conflict between the Antifedralists and the Federalists had a tremendous impact on our country. The Federalists, led by Hamilton, represented the urban mercantile interests of the seaports. The Antifedralists, led by Jefferson, spoke for the rural and southern interests. The central government and its power was mainly what separated the two parties.

    The federalists favored how things had been formerly, while the Antifederalists advocating states rights. I see the AntifederalistsDD,†approach being best for America problems and being able to more clearly see the future of America. Jefferson was an advocate for agriculture. He saw America future more in farming and staying similar to how things were in the present.

    However, he had a very dramatic impact with the United States with the Louisiana Purchase. Purchasing the land from Napoleon expanded the land tremendously. Unfortunately, it brought about immense conflict with Indian tribes. Although Jefferson had a large impact in his presidency, Hamilton had a better idea for the future, as he foresaw the need for a growing commercial and industrial society.Hamilton advocated for strong central government acting on the interests of commerce and industry.

    From the ideas of the two men for America future compared with how things are today, it is obvious that most of Hamilton ideas did come true and were a much better approach to America and its problems. Just like Hamilton invasions, the economic system is mixed, with agriculture working alongside industry. Hamilton Reports on Manufactures in 1791 called for a diverse economy based on agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing (Brinkley, 100). He realized the importance of encouraging domestic industry and new it was key to strengthening and maintaining true independence. Also, manufacturing and trade produce a very prosperous economy, which Hamilton also envisioned.

    This system has made the US one of the worldDD,a,es leading economic powers, one of the greatest in history. The national government is very strong and influential in international, national, state and local mattes. Its powers are far-reaching, from the supremacy of the constitution to the regulation of the economy, educational system and military. Though the educational system is more universal than he would have hoped, if alive today, I believe Hamilton would be very pleased with the state, which America is currently in. He would marvel at the nation accomplishments and inventions, its prosperity, and the mixed economy. Jefferson would be happy that the nation would be very prosperous and influential, but he would be appalled that the social classes that he hoped in eliminate in his age still exist, even strengthened in some cases. He would appreciate the fact that most Americans are well educated nowadays, but disturbed that not all Americans can voice their opinion as they did in his day. But in the end, Hamilton would be the most pleased with how the nation turned out. And ultimately had the best ideas and plans for America and its future. And Just like Hamilton invasions, the economic system is mixed, with agriculture working alongside.

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    The Conflict Between Antifederalists and Federalists Impacts the United States Tremendously. (2022, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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