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    The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay

    “Humbug!? was Scrooge’s favorite answer to any question and any question was an inappropriate question to the grumpy old covetous man. Depicted in the ethical story, The Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, Scrooge’s fowling manner transformed his once passionate heart to a black hole, which pulled in all hope and happiness as if it were a powerful magnet. Nevertheless, the jar of hatred shattered and Scrooge’s impaired spirit rose again. Love and happiness permeated his body, and the once ignorant Scrooge developed into an irresistible congenial fellow that everyone now knew.

    Scrooge found that he had the ability to alter his behavior and realized that spreading Christmas was more rewarding than any given amount of money. Scrooge’s capability to transform himself from a wrenching, disgruntled man to a blithe, amicable friend was surprising to the inhabitants of the small city. For instance, Charles Dickens wrote, “Some people laughed to see the alteration in him [Scrooge], but he let them laugh, and little heeded them- (page 112). Scrooge didn”t mind the giggles and laughs directed at him because he believed in himself for the first time in a very long time.

    His confined spirit was freed at last and it allotted happiness and joy around from mysterious turkeys on the doorstep to charity donations. Scrooge sought to make the people of the city cheerful and in doing so, people enjoyed watching an old jolly man hop around delivering gifts. Thus, Scrooge did not heed to the snickers in the crowd. The joy of spreading Christmas was Scrooge’s indirect gift to mankind and it rewarded him with long-lasting friends, which could never compare to any wealth. For example, Charles Dickens wrote,?

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    He [Scrooge] became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man as the good old City knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough in the good old world(page 112). This quote portrays that Scrooge’s contribution all year round achieved the world’s love and benevolence he longed for. In addition, Scrooge tried hard to become a role model to all; he funded charities for those in need and medical bills for Bob Cratchit’s son, Tiny Tim. Therefore, Scrooge reveals his exuberant and respectful manners earning him love from humanity. Scrooge loved and hated the three ghosts he met.

    He was thankful for their kind thoughts to help him, but despised them for recalling memories that he wished were of no existence. “Are these the shadows of the things that Will be or shadows of things that May be, only??? (page 102). Scrooge in time understood that he had the power to set his future any way he wanted. He could be grumpy for all time and be forgotten or be giving and considered as a hero. Also, Scrooge learns that life should not be taken for granted, but treasured for every moment because he only has one chance to live. Indeed, Scrooge was grateful that he was given a second chance to alter his one life.

    In conclusion, The Christmas Carol reveals that Scrooge had misguided himself in his early life, but eventually placed himself back onto the right road again. Scrooge’s life will be forever changed by his commitment to spreading Christmas and joy all year. As a second father to Tiny Tim, Scrooge becomes part of the poor Cratchit family and will help supplement them through harsh events. All in all, Scrooge’s cookie jar of hatred broke, and out escaped his confined spirit filling the air with hope and happiness, re-defining the meaning of Christmas again.

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    The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay. (2018, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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