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    The Causes and Reasons That Led to the American Revolution

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    The causes and factors that led to the American Revolution. How we believe that events such as the French and Indian wars and the Boston massacres led to this. Closing with which event was most significant in creating this feud.

    Decades of violence and fighting for power is what drove the French, the British, and the American colonists, to begin a war. The American Revolution, an iconic battle in our history, lasted from 1775 to 1783. What I have come to understand about our history in America is that everything in our timeline is involved in what it creates following the event. Events such as French and Indian wars and the Boston Massacre led to this war. The French and Indian war, also known as the seven years’ war, started in 1756 and lasted with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. This war, like others before its time started because of years of conflict, and a fight for individualism. Unlike previous wars, this one began with agreements within the colonies, starting with fur trading with Pennsylvania and Virginia with Indians in the Ohio company.

    Virginia planters wanted to develop the land, formed the Ohio company with London merchants. In 1753, Virginias governor came to governor Robert Dwindle, sent for George Washington to demand French removal from the forts. When Washington refused, he returned to Pennsylvania in 1754 with 160 men. The French defeated Washington, having this become the first battle of the French and Indian war.

    During this time in Albany New York, the representatives of the seven colonies were coming to an agreement to a plan of union which would “levy taxes, raise troops, and regulate trade with the Indians” (Digital History) to prepare for the coming war with France. Although all seven leaders agreed to Benjamin Franklin’s proposal, the colonies refused to follow it because “it threatened their power of taxation” (Digital History). In 1756 William Pitt became the Chiefs new master, he viewed America as “where England and Europe are to be fought for” (Digital History). He united the colonies with the promise of payment for military services and supplies. After Pitts plan showed success it led to the end of the war in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, this treaty split up the land between Britain, Spain, and the French.

    The Boston massacre has been known as the shots that were fired that sparked the American Revolution. The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5th, 1770, when the squad of British Soldiers caused the death five individuals. Although the parties involved were acquitted of manslaughter charges, this event solidified the removal of troops in Boston.

    The reason I chose these two events to show the lead into the American Revolution is because every war in history begins with the same problems. Trading goods, property ownership, taking away rights all lead to the Revolution. The colonists came to America to create their own freedom when in fact they fell almost into the same ideas that they originally ran away from. The event I believe had the most impact on the American Revolution was the seven-year war, there was so much conflict against goods and land that even with the Treaty of Paris, I don’t believe it necessarily closed the concerns.

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    The Causes and Reasons That Led to the American Revolution. (2022, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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