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    The Body Shop International Case Study Essay

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    The Body Shop International ( Body Shop ) is a transnational company which is chiefly bring forthing ecological tegument and hair products.The company offers over 1200 of course produced healthy and beauty merchandises by and large target at adult female. The merchandises focal point is shampoos, conditioners, bath merchandises, soaps and skin picks but besides includes aroma, watering place merchandises, and beauty-related accoutrements.

    Their merchandises are entirely based on natural ingredients and manufactured harmonizing to an ethical codification which is opposed to animal proving. The cosmetics franchise is considered to be one of the biggest around the Earth with a good established repute in 54 states. L’Oreal, the dominant company in the beauty industry, acquired Body store in 2006. Although Body Shop has become a subordinate of L’Oreal S.A it still acts harmonizing to its ain policy, values and ethical codification. The acquisition has solved Body Shop ‘s fiscal jobs and has provided the agencies for enlargement to a bigger market portion.

    The updations since the instance survey was written can be summarised as: In 2002 Anita Ruddick launched her ain web site “ ” in 2001 and an activism portal “ ” in 2004. At that clip figure of stores were were1500 Body store but nowit exceeded over 2500. During 2003 The Body Shop launched a planetary run to raise consciousness and financess to assist those affected by domestic force. The Stop Violence in the Home run physiques on about a decennary of runing on the issue in a figure of markets, including Canada, the USA, and West Malaysia. The run aims to foreground the issue, raise money to back up the work of groups. . In 2007 The Body Shop articulation forces with MTV in a new trade name partnership to raise financess and consciousness about HIV and AIDS amongst immature people, through the Spray to Change run. The money raised goes to the Staying Alive Foundation, a charity who fund with grass roots organisations raising consciousness and educating immature and at-risk groups about HIV and AIDS.

    Undertaking 2

    A brief reappraisal and treatment on company ‘s cardinal acheivements and important alterations over the last few old ages and how the company has adopted to emerging subjects like corporate societal duty, ethical selling, globalization, etc.

    800 words

    Significant Changes: The first The Body Shop shop was opened by Anita Rodrick on 26th March 1976 in Brighton, on the south seashore of England. It was declared a public company in 1985 and shortly after that it created an Environmental Projects Department of its ain. The first Community Trade merchandise of The Body Shop was a Footsie Roller which was produced in 1986 by a provider in southern India. In 2006, as portion of the on-going Stop Violence in the Home and for carry oning the survey on domestic force against kids, The Body Shop created a partnership with UNICEF and the United Nations Secretary-General ‘s Study on Violence against Children. The Body Shop becomes portion of the L’Oreal Group and de-listed from the London Stock Exchange on July 12 2006. It operates independently within the L’Oreal Group and was led by the current direction squad of The Body Shop.

    Cardinal acheivements

    The organic structure store was the first international cosmetics company to subscribe up to the Humane Cosmetics Standard, supported by taking international carnal protection groups.

    The Body Shop Values Reports are recognized ( 1995 & A ; 1997 ) as trailblazing by United Nations Environmental Program and Sustainability, and ranked highest in their reappraisal of International Corporate Environmental Reports.

    The Body Shop is the first planetary retail merchant to fall in the Board of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, working with NGOs and plantations to protect tropical rain forests and better the human rights of workers and autochthonal people.

    The Body Shop is the victor of PETA ‘s Proggy ( advancement ) awards for its on-going committedness to avoid carnal testing.

    During 2005 The Body Shop was awarded for accomplishing higher criterions of animate being public assistance in the decorative class at the first one-year awards of the Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the UK

    Corporate & A ; Social duty

    Corporate societal duty ( CSR ) or corporate citizenship entails companies acting in a socially responsible mode, and covering with other concern parties who do the same.It imlpies:

    An duty, beyond that required by the jurisprudence and economic sciences, for a house to prosecute long term ends that are good for society

    The go oning committedness by concern to act ethically and lend to economic development while bettering the quality of life of the work force and their households every bit good as that of the local community and society at big

    About how a company manages its concern procedure to bring forth an overall positive impact on society.

    The Body Shop is a maker and retail merchant of of course inspired, ethically produced beauty and cosmetics merchandises. Harmonizing to The Body Shop Corporate Social Responsibility website, “ If concern comes with no moral understanding or honest codification of behaviours, so God assist us all. ” is The Body Shop ‘s mantra.

    Let ‘s discourse few illustrations to see how does it is applied at Body Shop.

    a ) Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy

    The Body Shop works with its providers to advance socially responsible patterns in its supply concatenation as portion of its supply concatenation scheme. This is portion of its wider Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility.

    The Body Shop launched Community Trade. It is a targeted supply concatenation scheme to buy natural ingredients and accoutrements from socially or economically marginalized communities around the universe. It gives these manufacturers entree to a market that would otherwise be out of range and provides a just and dependable income, every bit good as a committedness to making a sustainable concern.

    For illustration, The Body Shop ‘s moisturizing socks produced by a Community Trade Supplier, Craft Aid in Mauritius, provides employment to 160 people, 40 % of which have disablements.

    B ) Prosecuting the Community through Community-based Undertakings

    One attack to prosecuting in corporate societal duty is through community-based development undertakings.

    An illustration

    The Body Shop ‘s launch of the 2008 Stop Violence in the Home run on the subject of friendly relationship. By supplying practical tools to authorise adult females to supply support to friends in demand, the run aimed to be a beginning of inspiration and support for 1000000s of adult females around the universe.

    The Stop Violence in the Home run besides raised ?1.9 million by 2008 and reached 56 markets. In each market, all the financess raised were donated to the chosen non-profit charity organisation, to assist fund critical undertakings of bar, support, and protection for adult females and kids.

    4 ) Body Shop and Compaigns

    The run for UK-wide prohibition on carnal testing of decorative merchandises and ingredients started in November 1998, and the largest of all time request ( four million signatures ) being delivered to the European Commission in 1996.

    Homeless people: The Big issue paper for stateless people began as a The Body Shop Foundation undertaking establishing in 1991.

    Awareness of HIV and AIDS amongst immature people: In 2007 The Body Shop joined custodies with MTV to raise financess and consciousness about HIV and AIDS amongst immature people.

    . Ethical Selling

    As a decorative retail merchant, The Body Shop defied most recognized selling patterns. In an industry where 30 cents on every dollar of gross revenues was typically devoted to advertisement, the company had no selling or advertisement section. They operate harmonizing to standards, which places more accent on human values than on strictly commercial considerations.A Anita Roddick spends most of her clip making the selling activities such as runs and conferences.

    The Body Shop ne’er advertised in newspapers or magazines because this type of publicity would increase the cost of the merchandise. For The Body Shop, the most effectual and utile manner of advertisement is to utilize its stores and its staff, every bit good as utilizing issues awareness, such as “ Activate Self-Esteem ” .


    The Body Shop launched a run utilizing the “ Ruby Doll ” – a realistic looking doll to advance existent adult females. They used it in their shops, hosted arguments, funded research, and held conferences all related to self-esteem, all activities that point back to The Body Shop.

    Anita Roddick said about advertizement

    “ There ‘s no illustration of anyone making what we ‘re making in America and doing it work ”


    Globalization represents the increasing integrating of economic sciences, communications and civilization across national boundaries. In today ‘s society, corporations and endeavors are spread outing their concerns in the planetary markets. Globalization is necessary for success and endurance in the worldwide market ; nevertheless, planetary competition is non easy.

    For BodyShop the chances are in broad array non merely on the portion of embarking into parts with much income and net income to derive but besides an chance to portion and supply quality merchandises to fashion-conscious people with trend to manner lifestyle.Its successful and widely-known corporate civilization, its organizational construction, its directions manners and its well-controled and regulated franchise system efficaciously back up the planetary enlargement of Body Shop, under the decorative elephantine L’Oreal along with its strong trade name name, into more stray, under-deveolped and less developing counbtries in Africa and Asia.


    A critical rating of restriction and benefits of turning construct and popularity of ‘free market ‘ to organic structure store.

    A free market is market without economic intercession and intervention and ordinance by authorities except to implement ownership ( “ belongings rights ” ) and contracts. It is the antonym of a, controlled market where the authorities regulates how the agency of production, goods, and services are used, priced, or distributed. all markets within it are unregulated by any parties other than those participants in the market.

    A market economic system based on supply and demand with small or no authorities control. A wholly free market is an idealised signifier of a market economic system where purchasers and sells are allowed to transact freely ( i.e. buy/sell/trade ) based on a common understanding on monetary value without province intercession in the signifier of revenue enhancements, subsidies or ordinance.

    Free markets contrast aggressively with regulated markets, in which authoritiess straight or indirectly regulate monetary values or supplies, which harmonizing to free-market theory causes markets to be less efficient.

    Advantageous of free market economic system

    1. market economic systems can set to alter easy ( If there is a demand for one thing, companies have the ability to alter what they produce alternatively of holding to travel through excessively much authorities protocol first )

    2. Rational ego involvement in market economic systems are besides encouraged ( allow freedom for people to make what they want, make what they want, and, sell what they want -to a certain extent- , this can besides be described as being able to make up one’s mind what is traveling to be produced, how it is traveling to be produced and for A whom it is traveling to be produced ) . the authorities tries to remain out of the manner of businesses- Although the authorities sets certain criterions concerns must follow- for the most portion concerns can make as they please.

    3. there is a great assortment of goods and services for consumers ( If there is a demand for a good or service, the demand will about ever be met in a market economic system ) .

    4. market economic system encourage competitory environment, ( competition does promote invention, and the free market economic system has produced good over a century of dizzying proficient advancement. At the same clip productiveness has besides increased at a phenomenal rate. A competition is one of the basic grounds why there are by and large so many different assortments A of goods A for consumers to take from.

    Besides Free economic system promotes economic invention in several ways:

    By spurring merchandise competition among companies in the same line of concern

    By exposing domestic houses to the best new thoughts around the universe

    Enabling local houses to import high-technology capital equipment and know-how, so that they can fabricate merchandises and present services at lower costs


    Market economic system has come to be accepted as a norm across the universe with many developing states like Africa, India and China traveling towards a full-market orientated economic system and we have seen the Body Shop, based on strong ethical and corporate civilization, widely benefits from the availablity of free market without compromising its ethical criterions and organizational values.

    Limitations of Free Market

    As the authorities meddles and efforts to command the economic system, it causes economic discord.

    A states involvements are n’t taken attention of, in a free market you vote with your dollars. If there is a Russian speech production client base, you learn to talk Russian.

    Does n’t work good for services such as wellness attention.

    No goverment involved means some merchandises could be harmful to people

    It is non as disciplined and secured as regular market.

    Sometimes this works, but as 2008 is demoing, sometimes it doesn’t. Especially in a market-based economic system, where people want to do a net income, some unscrupulous folks may heighten their ain net income border at the disbursal of others, such as the consumer. The inclination toward net income may weaken the self-policing facets, and the consumer may non have the best trade.

    Scheme for Body Shop

    Although Free market economic systems have been successful in developed economic systems, will non be so in developing states and the lone resort for them is the theoretical account of the assorted economic system or societal market economic system. The welfare function of the province is retained in a societal market economic system which cares for the hapless. In instances where the hapless states are endeavoring towards a free market economic system, there should be certain sections controlled by the province but with prevalence of free endeavor such that efficiency is restored and the state moves towards economic prosperity. Free market economic system under centralised political control is the most effectual manner for these states.

    In a assorted type economic system, both the private ownership every bit good as the province takes portion in the agencies of production, distribution and other types of economic activities.both free-market and regulative forces are at work.A A Some see these forces as being at odds with each other ; others feel that the economic system works at its extremum when both forces are working together.A A Whatever you believe, many states, including the United States, have both systems at work at the same time, and the balance between the two dictates how the economic system, overall, will tendency. In world, all economic systems are assorted, though there are broad fluctuations in the sum of mix and the balance between public and private sectors. For illustration, in Cuba the authorities allocates the huge bulk of resources, while in Europe most economic systems have an even mix between markets and planning.

    Economic systems can be evaluated in footings of how efficient they are in accomplishing economic aims.

    ( 5 )

    Free market available on

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    As it has really strong corporate civilization, supply concatenation direction, community engagements across Earth, effectual compaign against poorness and ethical issues, it has the possible to suit itself to demands of varing economic systems, whether free or regulated, or assorted economic system, and sucessfully remain competitory.

    Undertaking 4

    Examination and Evaluation of organisational design and construction of Body store and cardinal direction patterns:

    In 2006, The Body Shop becomes portion of the L’Oreal Group. It retains its alone individuality and Values and continues to be based in the United Kingdom. It operates independently within the L’Oreal Group and is led by the current direction squad of The Body Shop describing straight to the CEO of L’Oreal, Jean-Paul Agon.

    The organisational structureof Body Shop has five basic elements as per Henry Mintzberg ‘s definition of administration.

    The Operating Core: Employees who perform the basic work related to the production of merchandises and services. In The Body Shop the operating nucleus is merchandise design and in writing design and production section.

    The Strategic Core: Top degree Management who are charged with the overall duty for the organisation. In the instance of The Body Shop its CEO and Top Line directors are its strategic nucleus devising policies and ordinance for the direction, executing and control. way of the organisation maintaining in head the factors of organisation ‘s repute, being, enlargement and growing.

    The Middle Line: Directors, who contact the operating nucleus to the strategic vertex.

    The Techno construction: Analyst who have the duty for impacting the certain signifiers of standardisation in the organisation e.g. In the instance of Body Shop the techno squad consists of its IT section, comptroller, work scheduler, long scope contriver.

    The Support Staff: Peoples who fill the staff unit, who provide indirect support services for the organisation. In the Body shop the undermentioned sections are fundamentally chief back uping section e.g. Public relation ; selling section including in shop staff, warehouse section and distribution section, paysheet section ( 6 )

    6 )

    Organizational Design of the Body Shop: As per the web site of organisation, the basic design of the Body store includes the followers[ 1 ]:

    The Body Shop

    In shop

    Behind the scene

    At place

    Marketing Department including selling staff

    Production Department



    Techno Department

    Product / Graphic design section

    Warehouse Department

    Distribution Department

    beginning ( 7 )

    Organization values

    “ Business organisation are non merely for the net income -their resources can be used to advance wider intents.the inspiration and the set of values associated guide the trading rules of organic structure store direction, which are:

    They aim to guarantee that human and civil rights, as set out in the cosmopolitan declaration of human rights, are respected throughout their concern activities.

    They will back up ling term, sustainable relationship with communities in demand.

    They will utilize environmentally sustainable resources wherever technically and economically feasible

    They will advance carnal protection throughout their concern activities and in many ways

    The overall corporate civilization and selling stategies of Body Shop support these ethical values.

    Body Shop organisational construction and planetary enlargement

    The Body Shop operates within a regional divisional construction. Centralized caput offices in the United Kingdom ( London and Littlehampton ) maintain planetary corporate and support maps. The company is so divided into four parts: UK and the Republic of Ireland ( ROI ) , the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and South Africa, and Asia Pacific. Within each part are both company-owned shops and franchises as outlined.

    The divisional nature of the construction allows regional directors to “ concentrate attempts on bettering operations in the ( parts ) for which they are responsible and the corporate officers can give their clip to overall strategic issues for the full corporation ” ( Dess G. , 2006, p. 297 ) .

    This construction helps to suit rapid enlargement. Within the divisional construction and critical to TBS ‘s international enlargement scheme is master franchising, “ whereby the franchisor ( TBS ) grants the maestro franchisee ( the regional division ) the right to franchise the franchisor ‘s construct to others within an sole district, making a three-party understanding. ” ( Doherty, 1999 )

    “ By naming a caput franchisee in each major national market, Roddick was able to concentrate on the development of new productlines and the company ‘s planetary vision, instead than worry about the complexnesss of disposal or forces direction ” ( HBR p. 4 ).

    Under this construction, there is a free-flow of information between central offices and parts, nevertheless the regional divisions become responsible for supplying information and supervising the sub-franchisees. It besides allows Body Shop caput office to concentrate on corporate strategic issues.

    Stakeholder civilization

    Its stakeholder civilization is its core competency. This civilization includes everything from committedness to the community, to the environment and to the protection of animate beings. The usage of stakeholder audience in combination with public coverage is a great manner to guarantee that that organisation is keeping their committedness of presenting value to the stakeholders.

    Undertaking 5

    Discuss entrepreneurship and leading manner of laminitis, Anita Roderick. 500 Wordss

    Anita roddick- enterpriser

    An enterpriser is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the hazards of a concern or endeavor. Entrepreneurs live in the hereafter. They have originative personalities, are advanced, and thrive on alteration. Anita Roddick is surely a great enterpriser. Everything that embodies her exploits involves instruction and alteration. ( ) — — definition.

    Entrepreneurs have a vision of something new and they want to see how far it can travel. Entrepreneurs find the best manner of forcing thoughts along. Entrepreneurs use money to oil the wheels of success. Entrepreneurship has three parts, the individual, the thought and the resources

    For illustration her “ trade non assistance ” has priceless effects for states and people around the universe. But that is what entrepreneurs do! Entrepreneurs make alteration.

    Lashkar-e-taibas discuss few qualities of Anita as an enterpriser.

    Control Factor

    She prefered environments where they have maximal authorization and duty and make non work good in traditionally structured organisations. Like Entrepreneurs she had a demand to make and accomplish by holding control over is of import as it helps show the self-government of an administration, which helps find a higher rate of enterpriser activity.

    Hazard Taking

    Entrepreneurs are determined to prosecute in hazardous actions in order to come up with new prospects.Likewise she has the bravery and the continuity to prosecute in her venture, even without the confidence of succeeding.. It may look like she is taking high hazards, but in actuality she had assessed the hazards exhaustively.

    Entrepreneur ‘s value system

    The 3rd personal factor is the enterpriser ‘s value system, which entails scrutiny, apprehension of one ‘s topographic point in the society, and the person ‘s thought about individuals and things. They have a ceaseless sense of urgency to make something. This corresponds with a high energy level.This includes the perceptual experience and the achievement motives of the enterpriser, for their values find their attitude towards their dedication with their work.

    Entrepreneur ‘s job resolution manner

    Invention and job resolution capablenesss are expected to be the nucleus of the entrepreneurial capableness of an enterpriser, for they are faced with a figure of challenges as they try to implement new thoughts and work out jobs, so their innovativeness counts. This helps entrepreneurs identify relationships in complex state of affairss. Chaos does non trouble oneself them because they can gestate order. Problems are rapidly identified and solutions offered.


    ”Most concerns focus all the clip on net incomes, net incomes, profitsaˆ¦I have to state I think that is profoundly boring.I want to make an electricity and passion that bonds people to the company ” . ( Anita Roddick )

    she ever strived difficult to supply and keep healthy civilizations, where employees felt the belief that they are portion of an exciting future.They come to work with a fire inside them, a consequence of clearly stated leading and concern patterns that everyone explicitly understands.Every individual in the company knows how to separately lend to its future.As an great entrpreneur Anita Selected Staff that Support the Vision of the Corporation.

    Corporate Governance-Anita ‘s Decision -making

    As portion of the efficient qualities of Roddick entrepreneurship, the Body Shop is really sing the construct of effectual corporate administration as their competitory advantage.Anita Roddick, as caput of the decision-making organic structure of the company, created a good system non merely in selling their merchandises but besides in keeping expressive relationship to their overall stakeholders. The Board of Body Shop has been able to achieve complete control of all affairs sing the company. Their self-perseverance and duty to their responsibilities and eventually, their obeisance to the company Torahs all contribute to the development of the corporation. The Board ‘s authorization is clearly recognised within the company. And because of this, it is able to hold a solid clasp on the corporation ‘s existent operations, stakeholders and its fiscal concerns.

    Clearly, these facts prove the strength of the company ‘s corporate administration construction which is really contemplation of enterpriser accomplishments of Anita Roddick.

    External factors civilization, function theoretical accounts, work experience, instruction, and environment besides contribute to do great enterpriser.

    .Anita Roddick ‘s educational and professional calling is all right case in this respect.

    These factors determine the success in concern ventures by its interaction and interrelatedness, which brings good effects to the company. Continous Strategic growing and strong trade name name of organic structure store is clear illustration of Anita ‘s accomplishments as an enterpriser. ( 10 )


    Dame Anita Roddick deserves the congratulationss for her model public presentation as an enterpriser. She has become successful because of the clear ends that she wants her Body Shop to hold and achieve. In her instance, hazard project, creativeness and being advanced, and beliefs, are the factors that made her a successful enterpriser. The first measure is non to win in the market place, but to come in the market place with a strong individuality. The Body Shop is merely person ‘s organic structure store. Now, it is everybody else ‘s “ organic structure store. ”

    “ From merchandise development to human resource direction, The Body Shop has been described as “ advanced, ” “ dare, ” and even “ extremist ” . But there is no inquiry it was successful. ”

    ( HBR p. 4 )


    A treatment on Body store ‘s place in modern-day era- ( discuss in relation to globalization, emerging direction theories, important internal alterations and emerging functions of free market. 800 words.

    Body Shop has assorted rivals in decorative industry such as Proctor and Gamble, Unilever, Shiseido, L’Oreal, Avon, Revlon Boots, Nectar, Bath & A ; Body Works, Origins, and Aveda etc.

    Let ‘s utilize follwing competitory concern theoretical account to analyze Body Shop ‘s competitory environment as general position.

    Please see Appendex for Porter ‘s Five Forces Industry Competitive Analysis

    6.1 ) SWOT Analysis

    The SWOT analysis helps to place major factors in the internal and external environment of a company. A SWOT analysis of Body Shop identifies countries on which the company needs to concentrate on in order to better company public presentation, so that we analysis and see the assorted phases of the SWOT analysis.


    Brand Loyalty – Body Shop is greatly dependent on its trade name repute which is a critical factor in gross revenues. Due to its alone merchandises, it has come out to be seen as one of the most environmentally friendly retail merchants.

    L’Oreal ‘s support – L’Oreal ‘s experience in advertizement, planetary trade name development, investing capital and selling can hike overall gross revenues.

    Community Trade -TBS beginnings low-priced natural stuff from deprived communities worldwide. As committedness to this plan addition, the company will be able to capitalise on these cost nest eggs and value making activities.

    Global Position -TBS is located in 55 states worldwide, cut downing its exposure to market hazards in one part. Due to this company in a good place and take advantages of growing chances in and around these part while increased planetary consciousness of the company.

    Niche selling – Body Shop targets a niche market. By saying that it is non proving its merchandises on animate beings and by looking to hold an ecological profile, it has appealed to clients with ethical issues. Bing the lone store in the shopping Centre that sells ecological merchandises, has given it advantage in the local market.

    Charity support – Body Shop provides fiscal assistance in charities by giving little sum of money.

    Management-it has really focussed direction and staff due to effectual corporate civilization.


    Operation Cost- A diminution in profitableness was experienced in 2006, due to inefficient stock list supply direction and increasing operating costs as a consequence of reorganisation and franchise. Given the growing of the organisation and its recent restructuring, it is critical for The Body Shop to concentrate on bettering operational efficiency.A Reducing stock list retentions and bettering efficiencies within the supply concatenation are a great topographic point to get down in the context.

    Untrust on L’Oreal- Body Shop, unlike L’Oreal, has really rigorous policy on no carnal proving for decorative merchandises whci create possible environment of misgiving about new policy of L’Oreal after its geting of Body Shop. This indicated a loss of market portion within this strategic parts. this diminution is likely to be the recoil of TBS’loyal consumers to the alteration in ownership. That is the failing in future.Body Shop has to do certain it values and environmental policies should be observed along with L’Oreal.


    Expanding market – Emerging market in developing states with the addition in consumers passing in developing states, big markets with high population are emerging in the Russian and Jordanian markets and can now concentrate on other turning markets in states such as Pakistan, China and India. The growing potency of these markets is what is driving the growing of full industry.

    Male Segmentation- with the turning figure of work forces interested in wellness and beauty productsthere is spread outing inclination for Male training merchandises. For illustration In 2006 the entire market for male training merchandises reached to $ 3 billion.This section has a great possible if the tendencies continue. They increase merchandises entree to clients, increasing consciousness, sales.and net incomes.

    Internet Channel- As consumers become more occupied on the cyberspace and with direct gross revenues, L’Oreal has the chance to spread out these channels to their fullest capacity through presenting them in new and emerging markets.


    L’Oreal different values-As a top performing artist in C & A ; T industry, L’Oreal is known to back up assorted activities that are non in-line with TBS ‘s values, such as utilizing ingredients tested on animate beings. The coup d’etat of TBS by L’Oreal has do some protagonists to experience that TBS ‘s values no longer represents their ain and they will therefore non back up the company any longer. This causes a recoil and resulted in declined gross revenues and net income.

    Price- Market may go monetary value sensitive.if monetary value is major driving factor for consumer purchasing behavior so Body Shop has to revise its pricing scheme to remain in competition because its merchandise monetary values are comaparatively higher.

    More Competition-Market section growing could pull major competion.the wider competition is in the market is ever menace to Body Shop both domestically and it has to remain one measure in front of its rivals in footings of merchandise design and client satisfaction.

    Management Manners at Body Shop

    Staff Motivation

    “ Most concerns focus all the clip on net incomes, net incomes, profitsaˆ¦I have to state I think that is profoundly deadening. I want to make an electricity and passion that bonds people to the company ” Anita Roddick ( HBR p. 6 )

    The Body Shop has healthy civilization, its employees are n’t kept in the dark ; instead they are supported in the belief that they are portion of an exciting hereafter. They come to work with a fire inside them, a consequence of clearly stated leading and concern patterns that everyone explicitly understands. Every individual in the company knows how to separately lend to its hereafter. It has the environment where direction promote staff to inquire inquiries to happen better working methods, promote argument. It is ever supportive of new thoughts which th keeps people interested and advanced.

    Such civilization involve staff in determination devising and it make heroes of employees who personify what company wants to see. It encourages to advance 2 manner appraisals staff to directors and directors to staff. And it helps to guarantee staff that they are non a solitary voice. Let them to turn.

    Hiring Staff

    The Body Shop choice Staff that Support the Vision of the Corporation.It looks for people who have energy and wonder. They should be able to take information and tally with it. It ever aims to use

    “ large ” people with large thought and large thoughts. Employ people that will suit in.

    General environment at Body Shop

    Steering people to the beginning of their ain power.

    Making a committedness to common ends and shared values.

    Weaving societal and environmental dimensions into the cloth of the company.

    There is a touchable sense of euphory.

    There is a sense of existent energy about the topographic point.

    There is a sense of joyful amateurism and merriment.

    There is a sense of lovingness, household and community.

    ( 12 )

    Such direction manners and healthy corporate civilization transform and actuate employees to bring forth best single consequences which contibute to organizational growing and success.they are no more ordinary staff and people ; they are passionate and extremely bear down team-members lending organizational sucess, both locally and globally.So, we see from a individual store gap in Brighton in 1976 has sprung 100s of franchises throughout the universe. Anita sees the duty of concern as being supportive to the community both locally and globally.


    4 ) Corporate duty available on,

    hypertext transfer protocol: // the-body-shop ( accessed on 8th June 2010 )

    ( 5 ) Free market available on

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    Beginning: Henry Mintzberg, Structure in Five: Planing effectual organisation, Page 279 ; Book Organizational Theory ( Third edition ) Stephen P. Robbins

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    Bateman, Thomas S. , and Scott Snell. Management Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2007.

    Roddick, Anita. Business as Unusual. Chichester: Anita Roddick Books, 2005.

    Roddick, Anita. Interview. The Power of the Story. 04 Sept. 2007 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .

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    The Body Shop International Case Study Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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