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    The application of Information Technology systems Essay

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    As the application of IT systems is the usage of said systems, it is hard to define how this may be either morally or ethically wrong. The Internet could be considered to be morally dangerous, as a young child could easily stumble across pornography. However, the Internet makes the sharing of information easier for society as a whole, particularly in organisations and gives the individual access to this information. Another aspect of IT systems that could be considered to be morally wrong is the theory of ‘Big Brother’, as so much information, from shopping preferences (loyalty cards) to your address (driving licence number) is held on computers – giving fast and easy access to personal data.

    The data protection Act is designed to protect individual privacy, so only the people that need to can access your data. But how do you decide who has access to your data? On a police database, records of criminal convictions are stored, to people have the right to know that a criminal is moving into their neighbourhood or does the individual have the right to keep that information private?A worker may feel that the application of IT systems in the workplace may have more lasting benefits. For example opening a file on a word processor and correcting a mistake in comparison with producing the same work on a typewriter and having to redo it, will likely give more of a sense of satisfaction. An individual may feel the lasting benefits of IT systems to be the easy access to information on the Internet (project research), online shopping and instant worldwide communication via email. But, too much use of It systems may result in a society with little or no social skills, such as teleworking.

    If children were to study from home via the Internet then they wouldn’t meet other children and develop the necessary skills for a social life, more variety in life resulting in a better quality of life. An increase in the use of IT systems could result in the non –IT literate of society feeling further left out and therefore result in social isolation. Colleges and schools are trying to introduce basic IT courses (such as CLAIT), providing students with skills, in an attempt to prevent social isolation. Although there are laws in place to govern the application of IT systems, these are effective only to a point. The Internet is a good example of how impossible a task it is to control the application of IT systems. Anyone with access to the Internet has the opportunity to set-up a page, containing virtually whatever he or she want.

    I think that the effects of the application of IT systems on businesses, individuals and society as a whole are a mixture of beneficial and detrimental. The application of IT systems could lead to a more rewarding life for people, bringing work and other things straight to the home. But, as a society, we must be careful not to exclude the non-IT literate or a socially isolated society may end up being created. Bibliography: .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The application of Information Technology systems Essay. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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