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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism Essay

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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: SymbolismQuestions1. Compare and Contrast Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Although Tom and Hucklberry Finn have many things in common and are verygood friends, they also live a life of two totally different lifestyles. Tom,who is a dreamer, lives a life out of romantic novels, and can be amusing andexasperating at the same time. He lives a life out of drama and brings out hisimagination in a realistic way.

    He is amusing when showing his understanding ofwhat he has read and he loves to replay what has happened He is a leader and isidolized by many including Huck. Huck, much different than Tom, does not engage in the fantasies that Tomdoes and has little interest in them. He is more interested in what ishappening right now and what is going on in his life in the present. He isalways practical and natural, exhibiting good common sense except in rareepisodes like the part about the snake bite. He sees Tom’s wide reading andvivid imagination as something that sets him on top of himself. He often thinksabout how Tom would have enjoyed doing some difficult feet that he has justperformed.

    Although he gets annoyed by Tom’s daydreams sometimes he goes alongwith them because he believes that Tom is someone that is on top of him. 2. Huck Finn’s relationship with Jim changes as the story progresses. Analyzehow and why the relationship changes, supporting your answer with at least threeexamples from the story.

    Jim, a slave owned by Miss Watson, is a very interesting character inthe book. He seems like a person who is filled with superstitions but laterdown the river we learn about his fine attributes like his unselfishness and hislove for Huck. Because he is more than a stereotypical slave, Huck and Jimthroughout the book develop a very loyal friendship and become very good friends. Jim, who acts like a father figure towards Huck because no one else is therefor him. , is important to the plot because he gives Huck a reason to travel onthe river. Because Jim is a runaway slave, it is necessary for Huck to keepquiet in times like for instance when Huck lies to them men about him being inthe raft, instead telling them that his ill pap is in the raft.

    Huck doeswhatever he can to keep his word that he will not tell on Jim. When Huck hears that Jim is jubilant at the thought of escape, and alsothat Jim plans to steal is necessary, his own children out of slavery, he ishorrified at this and shocked at his own part in such an immoral undertaking. Not only a plot device, Jim is also the person who brings Huck to a series ofimportant moral decisions throughout the book. .

    As they travel more and moreinto the their adventure, you can see a stronger and stronger bond growingbetween the two. They rely on each other and are both an essential part totheir lives. 3. Analyze the significance of the Mississippi River in the novel. The Mississippi represents a place of good.

    Huck and Jim, find theirfreedom while traveling down the river. It is a pace where they do not have toworry about the evil of society. It is a place where they can drawback fromsociety and just relax. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big river,laying on our backs looking at the stars.

    . . As they travel down the river,Huck and Jim develop a loyal friendship that is very great. The river is aplace out of society where the two can get away and enjoy their freedom. 4.

    By using examples from the plot and characters in The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn, explain Mark Twain’s view of society and religion. The conflict between society and individual becomes a controlling themethroughout the novel. At first, Huck mentions how the Widow Douglas wants to civilize him, but in contrast, Huck wants to escape and be free andsatisfied. Huck encounters varying aspects, attitudes, and restrictions ofsociety and he much rather prefers his individual freedom. Even when livingwith his pap he enjoys it much better than living in regular society becausehe does not like living in regular schedules; going to school, waking up at thesame time.

    He prefers doing this out of the ordinary society. Huck Finn is an allegory about good and evil. Huck represents the forcesof good, and most of the people he meets represent evil. Society seems like aplace that is holding you back, and the river seems like a place where there areno worries. He sees all his freedom while his time on the river and enjoys itthere. The Mississippi River is a god that provides both beauty and terror.

    Huck represents makind’s need to retreat from the real world and to take in thepleasures of religion.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism Essay. (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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