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    Test 1 – Inquiry, Atmosphere & Water Cycle Review Questions

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    Question Answer
    What is the first step of the Scientific Method? Asking a QUESTION
    Katie noticed that bacteria growing on a plate did not grow next to mold that was growing on the same plate.

    So she wrote: “The mold may be producing a substance that kills bacteria.” This statement is best described as an

    There are 200 gumballs in the machine. Is the above statement a Quantitative or Qualitative Observation Quantitative
    Carolina will lose the Championship this year.This statement will be best described as an inference or a prediction? Prediction
    What is the name of the variable the scientist changes or manipulates in an experiment? Independent or Manipulated Variable
    What is the name of the variable the scientist tries to keep the same in an experiment? Control Variable
    What is the name of the variable the scientist measures in an experiment? Dependent or Responding Variable
    An ornithologist (bird scientist) wants to determine if different temperatures affects how many times a bird chirps.

    What is the independent variable in this experiment?

    Different temperatures
    An ornithologist (bird scientist) wants to determine if different temperatures affects how many times a bird chirps. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? How many times the bird chirps
    An ornithologist (bird scientist) wants to determine if different temperatures affects how many times a bird chirps. What is the control variable in this experiment? Same bird
    An astronaut entering the Earth's atmosphere from space will pass which layer first? Exosphere
    In which layer of the atmosphere would the Aurora form? Thermosphere
    Which layer of the atmosphere is responsible for meteors disintegrating? Mesosphere
    Which layer of the atmosphere is mainly responsible for protecting us from harmful UV radiations from the sun? Stratosphere
    Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in? Troposphere
    Which is the most common gas in the atmosphere? Nitrogen
    What is it called when heat is trapped by the earth's atmosphere due to pollution? Greenhouse effect
    What happens to pressure as we travel towards space? It decreases
    Why do mountain climbers carry oxygen tanks with them? Less oxygen molecules so it is difficult to breath
    Pilots fly to the stratosphere when there is a storm. Why do they do that? To avoid the stormy weather occurring in the troposphere
    Water from water bodies turn into water vapor and enter the atmosphere.

    What is this process known as?

    Water enters the atmosphere from plants and animals. What is this process known as? Transpiration
    Water vapor cools into water droplets and forms clouds. What is this process known as? Condensation
    What type of condensation is it when water vapor cools into water droplets onto a cold surface? Dew
    What type of condensation is it when water vapor freezes onto a cold surface? Frost
    Frost is a type of condensation that happens due to a process known as ________________________________ ? Crystallization
    Water falling from clouds in various forms is known as ? Precipitation
    What determines the type of precipitation you will receive? The TEMPERATURE of the troposphere
    When water that falls down as precipitation reaches the earth, it always flows back to the ocean as ? Run off
    When you can see the run off flowing it is known as ____________________? Surface water flow
    When the run off seeps into the ground it is know as________________________? Ground water flow
    What symbol would you see on the door of a lab that uses live animals to conduct a behavior study? Animal safety
    What symbol would you see on the bottle of a chemical that can catch fire easily? Flammable
    What symbol would you see on the box of a specimen that contains a sample that can cause harm to you on contact? Bio Hazard
    What symbol would you see on a bottle of chemical that gives out strong odors? Fume safety

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Test 1 – Inquiry, Atmosphere & Water Cycle Review Questions. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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