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    Television’s Positive Effects on Society Essay

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    Television’s Positive Effects on SocietyNichole VanSickleRichard ZlogarFr.

    Eng. Comp. 101-1831 October 1996According to Marie Winn and her essay The Plug-In Drug, television hasvarious negative effects on our society today. In her essay Winn explores theways in which television has harmfully caused disruptions with the quality offamily life, rituals, and values.

    She recognizes there is a problem with oursociety and the way in which it is consistently influenced by television. I amable to agree with Winn on this point, but I do not feel that the totality ofthe influence is negative. Television today has a lot of positive effects andinfluences on our society and our American culture. Television gives us helpfulinformation, various forms of education, and entertainment which are all a partof the positive effects that television has on our society. On a day to day basis, the television keeps us informed with plenty ofhelpful information. We are informed through the television of the latest news,weather, and information which are important in our daily lives.

    The televisionoften acts as an almanac, dictionary, and an eye into the world around us. Itinforms us of the most recent happenings around the world within seconds. Suchas the O. J. Simpson trial, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the wars taking placein the Middle East.

    Through TV we can be warned about almost anything from ahurricane approaching to the fact that the stock market is falling. Thetelevision in today’s society has become one of our most basic resources forinformation. We use the TV as a convenient way to find out some of the simplestinformation such as the date, time, and what is going to be on channel 11 at9:30. Our American society has designed its lifestyle around the convenience ofthe TV and the fact that it is so easily accessible. The television has other purposes besides convenience.

    It is a great wayof educating the people throughout society with the important issues that affectour everyday lives. Be it social, political, economical, or medical, there isalways something new to be told, and the television is the quickest way to getit out to the people. Not only is the television fast, but it is also veryaccurate and in depth as well. The television takes the time to do the researchthat most Americans are too lazy to do themselves. Through various newsprograms and documentaries, the television keeps us educated, and on the righttrack so that we as Americans are not left out in the dark when it comes to thecurrent events around the nation. For example, being that it is an electionyear, we are constantly being informed about the candidates, their whereabouts,and the debates.

    The reason for this is because, this is an important piece ofeducation when it comes to the American people. We need to know these things,or we along with our government will suffer. Along with informational and educational purposes, television serves asan entertainer as well. When television was first developed, entertainment wasnot one of its main purposes. As time went on people began to sit and watch thetelevision for that reason. Soon after came the development of sitcoms, andspecial programs which served as entertainment purposes.

    Throughout the years,entertainment on TV has become much more popular among Americans. Thetelevision has become an important part of our entertainment today. Not only isit more convenient than going to movies, plays, concerts, or sporting events butit is also a lot cheaper. With modern day television people do not have toleave their houses, and get dressed up to drive to see what they could bewatching on their own TV sets at home.

    This is why the television companieshave adapted to meet the needs of the American people by supplying access tomovies, plays, concerts, and the most popular sporting events. This past summerthe TV proved its convenience for entertainment. Many Americans were able tosit back and watch the Olympics in their own homes, and still be able to get thefeel of being there in Atlanta. Throughout the years, the American people have come to rely on thetelevision and all it has to offer. The television with its multi-purposes haspositively effected our society through its means of information, education, andentertainment. We as Americans have become a part of a society which is greatlyinfluenced by the television.

    Although, this influence has been proven toaffect the quality of family life, as Winn mentions in The Plug-In Drug. Thepositive effects of television on our society as a whole, and the knowledge itprovides is far greater than this quality of life that she mentions. I mustadmit that there are both positive and negative aspects that come out of ourtelevisions today, but I feel that the positive effects definitely out weigh thenegatives when it comes to the importance of information, education, andentertainment for our society.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Television’s Positive Effects on Society Essay. (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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