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    Technology Essay Paper (883 words)

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    Writing an excellent article on technology can be challenging though with much effort and practice you can improve on your skill. When developing this type of essay, you should be ensuring you are up to date with the recent developments since technology keeps changing.

    In most instances, your teacher will give you guidelines that entail the format, length, and the audience of the article. In this article, you will learn about how to outline an exciting technology advancement essay as you strive to get access to education.

    Select a Topic

    Before you start writing, ensure the titles and subtitles of the essay that you are going to write are interesting and does not entail to much technical stuff. Technology itself is a diverse topic so selecting favorable topics that will help you outline your points comfortably and guarantees you good grades from your teacher. Some of the titles you can work on include;

    • Pros and cons of e-learning
    • Debate on cloning
    • Can we exist in a world with no TV and Mass Media?
    • How does modern day technology enhance our living?
    • The utility and threat of rapid development of technology
    • Our world in 100 years from now
    • Online dating: development or degradation?

    A good technology essay not only holds good writing skills but attentive and mindful reading as well. Before you start your topics, make sure you have a prompt of the article before jotting the final paper. You should consider the following

    • The introduction has strong and well-structured words thesis that you will develop in the course of the essay. Make the part more interesting, catchy, and informative to uplift the reader’s morale and interest to continue reading your article.
    • A credible proof of every statement you highlight.
    • Include specific technology vocabulary appropriately
    • Cite the sources of your texts – a well-written article defines the source the information. It is a way of authenticating and supporting your essay. Add links in your paper to assist the reader to learn other things from the linked pages.
    • Organize your article – a well-organized essay gives the reader of your paper an idea about each paragraph that is following the other right from the heading.
    • A powerful conclusion that reminds the reader about the crucial points in the essay reflecting the main idea of the whole paper.

    As you develop your content, assemble all the relevant details to match your topic, but you can make the essay more general if you have minimal resources at your disposal after doing extensive research. If the choice of your article is for example “how the latest technology affects the society, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the effects.

    When writing, ensure the information that you are giving out to the society is from reliable sources. You will make your essay more interesting if you use only the latest news on the topic.

    Determine the Reason to Write

    The purpose of essay writing is a direct association with the thesis statement. As you write, develop a theme and then come to the thesis statement of the technology thesis. When writing through directives from your teacher or other purposes like commercial writing, then craft articles that are meaningful and have a high demand to the society

    Write a Topic Sentence

    Topic sentences help in supporting the introductory paragraph like how the introduction paragraph support the thesis statement. Ensure that topic sentence should be in the introduction part and the begging of every paragraph. Come up with the well-crafted sentence to engage the reader.

    Use Transitional Sentences

    Introductory paragraphs minus a transitional hook make it incomplete. To make the introduction part more appealing, always use the transitional hooks at the end. The words are inserted to connect different paragraphs. These kind of sentences are also essential since they are used to link the body paragraphs.

    Be Brief

    When writing, use shorter and direct phrases possible. Make sure every word that you put down count and remove those words that do not support your point. By doing so, you increase the reader’s appreciation for your content.

    Revise your article paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence, and word by word as you eliminate the points that do not contribute to the main agenda of the topic.

    Writing Style

    When writing a technology essay, don’t use passive voice but instead use actives voice for clear, direct and straightforward phrasing.

    Use figures

    Since different people learn things differently, your work will be more presentable to different people when you substitute text essays with graph ones. Make every number that you apply in your work stand on its own giving all the essential information to help the reader understand it.

    Always put the figures at the top of the page. When you position figures at the middle or bottom of a page, it will be hard for the reader to find the next paragraph of the text. Disengage from using bitmaps since they may be to read to some of your readers, instead use figures from your drawing programs in a vector graphics format.


    Although technology essays are quite technical, you can become an excellent writer in your quest to have access to education through engaging the reader with recent technological developments in the society and outlining your opinion while stating the facts and actual statistics.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Technology Essay Paper (883 words). (2018, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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